I HATE my surgeons office-sorry venting
I really really hate my surgeons office-can anyone else tell me if they had this experience. I got my insurance approval the day after my paperwork was submitted(well I got the letter a week after but it was dated for the day after). I then called my surgeons office, and they said that I could have my nut. and psych evals schedualed within a week. I never heard form them. About a month later ( after I called and badgered them almost every day). They schedualed me for my nut. and psych about 3 weeks later. Well I finally got that all done, and they approved me to go ahead. As I was leaving my appt. They told me not to call my surgeons office-that I would recieve a call by the end of the week. This was two weeks ago. I have of course heard nothing. I know that I need to call and start badgering them again, but I just don't want to. Everytime I call I am just made to feel like I shouldn't be bothering them. They refuse to let me speak to anyone that i need to. All I can do is leave a message, and hope someone gets back to me. I guess this is all just part of the BS I have to go through to prove I want this surgery. In my first informational meeting I was told the longest part of the wait would be getting insurance approval-well I have had my insurance approval for like three months now. If I could have my surgery anywhere else I would, but my insurance will only pay to have it done here. Sorry for going on for so long. Thanks for letting me vent. I know in the long run this really isn't such a big deal, and once I have my surgery I will forget all about it.
I hate to say this, but even though I love my surgeons office I stayed on them like white on rice! In my opinion this is your healthcare and you should speak up and have a say about it. Your paying for this by paying for insurance and co-pays or what have you. You have a right to speak with someone. My Dr office allways lets me talk to someone and even if all I got was I checked and there was no change it made me feel good that they were on my side.
While this is up to you, are you concerned about reaching your surgeon post op if you have an issue? I would be if it were me. And like I said this is all my personal opinion, if they arent letting you talk to the people to make your appointments for your surg. are you sure that you will get atleast a nurse when you need one?
I had to call my Dr office several times and ended up hospitalized it was reassuring to be able to call and get someone on the line who was a nurse and could answer my questions or they give me a time that they will call back.
Please just think about it, a good friend once told me that you should never pick a doctor that you have problems getting an appointment with or his staff isnt good.