I'm so f-ing mad right now!! I got in a fight with a wall and broke not just the wall, but a bone in my hand in two spots! This f-ing sucks and I only have my own stupid self to blame. Now I jave to wear a cast and pretty much be one handed for the next month...This has taken me like ten minutes to sm I going to be able to hold my son down while cleaning his messy diapers?? f-ck f-ck f-ck!!!!!!!!!!!!
That was funny, actually this may be TMI, but although I am right-handed, I am a left handed wiper - always have been. So, so far my cast is poop-free! Also, I got the permanent cast on today and now I have use of my thumb index and middle fingers, and limited use of my ring and pinkie fingers, so I can type with all of my fingers except those two, so that is better. Two weeks, then another smaller cast for two weeks and I will be done.