Hubby says I'm too young?!?!
I am also 27, with a BMI around 48 and Hubby says he loves me the way I am and that I shouldn't take "such drastic measures" to change the way I look. Which pretty much tells me he doesn't fully understand the reasons why I'm looking into WLS so seriously. I'll be giving him the speech as soon as I feel he'll be receptive to it. I just hope he understands that I'm doing this for ME (and us, in the long run), and I may do it even though he doesn't 100% approve.
My father had gastric bypass surgery in the early 90's, his mom, (my grandmother) had a similar bypass procedure a few years later, Dad's brother and one of his kids, his sister and both of her kids ALL NEEDED WLS!! Anyone else noticing a trend here......
Actually the trend is hypothyroidism. My levels have been "normal" for over 6 mos w/meds, and I have not been able to lose any more weight than when I was not on meds.
I've known that I may need this surgery since I was teenager. We're not quite ready for kids yet, so I'm thinking the time to do this is now. If I give myself two years to hit goal, we should be finacially able handle a baby by then.
I have my surgeon's informational meeting this Thursday, but since he doesn't think I should do this, he doesn't want to go! Not to mention he balks at the $20 materials fee the office charges for the meeting. I personally don't think 20 bucks is too bad for the information I'll be getting. (or hopefully getting.....) I made the mistake of suggesting that we get it done together, since his BMI has got to be above 40 and he's hypoglyclemic (sp).
The rest of my family is supportive. Of course, half of them have had it already! :p
I'll have to check out that video when I can get to a comuter with speakers!!! LOL. My employer frowns on giving out speakers for their computers. (I work 2nd shift)
Hi Stephanie, I am 25 and married as well. My husband supports me 100% although he doesnt think I "need" the surgery. He is in agreement that good diet and exercise can work...he is also 130lbs so he has no idea what it is like. BUT he does support me, because he knows what is important. I attempted to have this surgery when I was 20 but the SURGEON told me I was TOO young, that I can handle..but no way in hell would I let anyone else make that decision for me. This is a life long may be young, but it will better the rest of your life, both of your lives!! For me, my husband loves to hike, he hikes Mt Washington every year with my EIGHT YEAR OLD, and wouldnt they love for me to go? Join in on that special day? Ya way