support? anyone?
Well if that is his way showing you support, I would say you are well rid of him. I'm only a week post-op but my husband and I had a very rough road these past 6 months when I decided to have the surgery. I'm so glad that he stuck around though, and got it through his thick head that this was as much for him as it is for me. But it took a lot of work between the two of us because my attitude would change alot in those six months and yes I'm to blame as well for our many fights, it seemed he didn't realize the kind of change that I would be making. But if they certainly can't handle it pre-op, you definitely don't want them around post-op.
Sorry to hear about your break-up. I just wanted to offer some support. I hear alot that this surgery will change your life. Most times for the better. Of course you start feeling better about yourself thinking about all the positive changes that are going to come. Alot of relationships don't make it through something like this and to be honest, I worry about my own. My husband is insecure. I would hate to think that he would rather see me fat and unhappy. He is worried that I will lose weight and not want to be with him.
I don't know you or anything about your relationship or break up, but I guess I just wanted to say that if he loves you and you guys are meant to be together then you will be. But if he can't support you and your quest for health and happiness then, it may not seem that way now, but in the long run he may have done you a favor. I feel the same way about my own relationship. I told my husband that I want us to make it through this and it's going to be rough but I hope that he can be happy for me and want the best for me as I would for him.
I wish you the best. And it will get easier. Message me anytime if you want to talk.
:) Sonia