I'm not sure that coffee would be good for you on a liquid diet. But for after surgery this is what I order, a tall, extra hot, no foam, non fat, sugar free, vanilla latte. mmmm I could go for one right now!
That does sound YUMMO, I could probably get the creme base right? or would that be too heavy for my belly?
I'm excited. I just want this to be overwith!! lol
Watch out for carbs in starbucks! I was drinking Chai Lattes with Soy and found out the medium had almost 50 carbs in it! I knew it had to be bad because I LOVE them! I havent been back to starbucks since!
I would get a Tall, non fat, sugar free, decaf, vanilla latte... I still get them now I just stopped getting the decaf!
170 Cal
0 Fats
3 Sugars
12 Carbs
11g protein
Are you on a liquid diet in order to shrink your liver? If so, you might want to avoid caffeine altogether. The fewer toxins that the liver has to filter, the better it's gonna be on the day of surgery.
Yea, i was just hoping for a glimmer of hope for something decafenated, appropriate before WLS on a liquid diet.
I'm glad to see there are somethings to drink after surgery.
good times..