Hey guys..Well my surgery is nov 6th and my family and fiance are very supportive..Wellllllllllllllli have a handfull of friends that are like convincing me or well I should say trying to convince me that I am going to die yes thats right die.And I mean I am already nervous on my own about the surgery but this is crazy I just cant believe them ..Telling me to make a will and my daughter who is 9 months will be without a mother..I try not to let it bother me but damn I hear it constantly!!Sorry just had vent a little!
thanks guys
hey Stefie,
WLS is complicated and lots of people think they know about it when they really don't. Listen to yourself, and your doctors. I'm sure you have spent a lot of time researching WLS and talking to your docs. Stick to your guns and trust yourself. Maybe you could politely tell them that you have researched it and discussed it with your doctors and its the best thing for you at this point and your mind is made up. I know this is an exciting and nervous time, but the best way to avoid this negativity is to just not bring the subject up or change it when it does come up. Hearing all this negativity would make anyone more nervous! Good luck!
I had sugery on Sept 1st. My mother already had me buried in her head when it came to the surgery.
You should have a Last Testiment Will, Living will, and maybe a letter to your loved ones written- not just because of the surgery but you never know when some kid racing down the road doesnt pay attention to the light and runs the red and you're in the middle of it or some other tradgi****urance.
You'll be fine. No complications here. Know your surgeon. If they want to talk about it with you talk only facts. Dont let them vear off onto nonscense.
You know what - you could leave the house tomorrow and die, you could fall asleep and never wake up. You cant live your life as "what-ifs". There is a time for all of us to go and if its your time - you go... if its not your time - you dont. You have made a decision that will change your life and let you be a HEALTHY ACTIVE person for your daughter! It will help you live longer and not suffer the effects of obesity! What good would you be if you were sick? Or had no energy and couldnt run around and have fun with your daughter?? How about suffering the effects of obesity and having to eventually have other types of surgery?
Id tell them to stuff it!