New !!
My name is Christina I am 26 I live in Enfield Ct. I just started preparing myself for gastric bypass I have my first doctors appt next Friday with my PCP. My husband ( we just got married 8/12 ) had gastric bypass last December and he has been very sucessful with it. So I guess it is my turn now!!! I am SURELY looking forward to it.... but surprise hubby is very fertile after surgery and I am now 5 months pregnant with my THIRD baby ( my youngest is 6 months old) so I am trying to do what I can now and do my 3-6 months of Dr monitored diet which is requiered by our Ins. after I have the kiddo in Feb. needless to say it will be a long drawn out process but I am ready for it and I can't wait to see if it all works out. I am nervous as anything that my Ins. will give me a hard time about covering the surgery so I am researching and doing as much as I can to make sure it happens. We have 5 other family members who had Lapband in the past 3 years all with the same surgoen we are using so it is a big family event and our last name has become a huge hit at the surgeon's office so lots of suport and good advice coming my way !!! But I could use a lot more...any advice or comments will be VERY VERY welcome !!
Thats So funny !!! I heard the same, women should be careful because they become more fertile ...but we pick on Todd because it took us 2 and a half years and tons of fertility counseling to have our second daughter and it took us 3 weeks to have our third !! So he is officially our fertile myrtle ..=0)