Any Advice Givers Out There???
Hi All! I'm not new here, lurk alot, but post when I can.... I am in the need of some advice though
I am 22 years old and NEVER have been in any kind of romantic relationship before. I have lost 140 pounds since January 6th and actually feel kind of attractive, lol. Its hard to make myself feel pretty, but I'm working on it. With this weight loss, hormones are raging and practically every guy is a hottie! LOL just kidding... well, maybe not lol.
I am just wondering how to jump into the dating scene. I feel so far behind, like when I've missed class and everyone is a million chapters ahead of me! What do I do on first date (yes, there is a possibilty of ones happening, i just don't know how to make it happen!) How do I let this someone know I like him, without hurting the friendship we've made? PLUS, its been mainly online! It started online through our animal showing, then we met in March when we both were at a show.... that was 2 mos post op... haven't seen each other, except head shots since but talk often, we have a great friendship so far lol. But like, dude, he's coming over to my house to work with my 4-Hers in July and hasn't seen me in months, and me him and geeze, alot of stuff is flying around in my head. I' sorry if I'm just jibber jabbing along... I hope some of you understand me lol and can give me some advice. I'd REALLY appreciate it.
You can go to my profile and see the pics from the show in MArch and then my most recent 5 mos shots.... I've been told its drastically different lol. HELP!
Thanks in advance!!!!
Awwww, thanks alot Gen. It really means alot to me. Pre-Op, I just didn't like me at all! Now, its a whole new thing, I wanna get up earlier to make sure my hair is straight, I have a cool hair cut, and I just love life! sure I get in a funk (just got out of one) but I do something for me, or look at pics and I feel a lot better. Thanks alot!!
Hmm... dont really know what advice to give. Maybe just see whats happens when hes there? I am not really an agressive person. With my ex he said he knew I liked him when I asked to brush his hair (I said super short hair and he had super long hair - been a long time since I had needed a hairbrush!). As for first dates... what do you do? Be yourself. I always talk to a few friends to think of some ideas of what to do on the date. Ive found the guy will pick a place to eat and then be like "so what do you want to do now?" then you both sit there like *duh*. I always like to pick something interactive where you can talk still - bowling, pool, batting cages, air hockey (woohoo)... a little competivieness can be fun and you can always make some wagers like if I win I get a kiss! Best thing I can say is just be yourself, try not to be nervous, look the person in the eye and keep your head up. Also dont be afraid to talk and keep the conversation going. My friend always like to ask those interesting hypotehtical questions when there is a group of new people - like the one that goes something like you either have to save a train full of people or a loved one what would you pick? Or if you could live at any time period what would it be? I dunno Im a big cheese ball what can I say?