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what is your current body fat%? muscles? bones? do yu have enough fat to lose the extra 24 lbs?
You can have a very accurate measurement of your body composition - DEXA scans. they are popping all over the country. for $100-$170 (depends on city, location) you can have a very accurate measurement of how much of what yu weigh now is fat , bones, muscles., etc.. and where are the fat deposits...
I had test like that done a few months ago... My BMI at that time was just at 25.5.. but my body fat % was at 21%. total... with most of my fat in legs, hips..
Since then I lost 10 lbs (got sick, and had surgery) and now I am trying to gain that back...the healthy way...
The BMI is really not a good number... your size - body fat% are more of real goal for us - post op WLS.
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
From my experience, the surgeons and NUTS work off the published averages. You don't have to be average!
Based on those averages, my surgeon thought I would get down to around 200lbs, maybe a little over. I am currently at 145ish lbs. You set the goals that make you happy and work towards them. There is no reason you can not be at a "normal" BMI if that's where you want to be.
I also look at it this way. If I had set a goal of 200lbs and hit it, is that better than setting a goal of 150 and coming up short at 175? I think not!
I am wondering if anyone out there has a BMI goal and if it is realistic to have one? I had my 9-month follow-up (a little early) yesterday. My NUT told me that I have already met her goal for me. It was to have a BMI in the 25-30 range. My current BMI is 28 which still puts me in the overweight category. I am hoping to reach the "healthy weight" category which is a 24 BMI and require me to lose another 24 pounds or so. Is this unrealistic for me? I haven't reached my 1-year mark yet and my understanding was that I should continue to lose at least until that point with the sleeve. My surgery date was 5/4/16 and I am 5'7'.

I drink up to eating. If I drink during honestly it feels weird and moves things around. I do not drink right after eating either because again it feels weird and two it really does give my body a chance to feel full. If I drink right after the food would move on into the intestines and nothing terrible would happen but why not let it sit put awhile to digest and tell your brain you've eaten and are full.

Age:40|Height: 5'9"|Lap Band 2/11/08 |Revision VSG 3/14/16
The cake is a lie, but Starbucks is not.
I'm just 12 weeks post op and was told I could drink right up till I start eating and needed to wait 30 minutes after. They showed us a video of what happened to food in your sleeve if you drink with your meal. I washes through to your intestines. Once your sleeve is empty there is immediately room for more food.
If I had to wait a 1/2 before eating that would be another 2 hours that I could drink. I don't think I could manage get in all my water if I lost 2 hours.
My surgeon said liquid, crushed or chewable for 4-6 week, once you are on solid food you can take any vitamin.
I take 500 calcium/500 D3/250 magnesium, three times a day, the NUT says that 500mg of calcium is the most that can be absorbed at once.
I would recommend Dr Atkins book, The New Diet Revolution.
Since Dr Atkins passed away, the company that uses his name to sell food and supplements is probably causing Dr Atkins to turn over in his grave.
One of the great things about following his diet is that you get away from processed foods like the ones they sell.
I know the feeling about feeling like a heroine addict.
Get rid of all sugar and even artificial sweeteners and in two weeks it is amazing how you don't crave them and how you will not feel hungry.
In the first couple weeks, eat all you need to feel full, but only allowed foods like meats, eggs, and cheese. After a couple weeks you will eat less because the feeling of hunger will go away.
Meats usually fill us up quickly because of our pouch anyway.
Good luck.
Thank you for posting this! I am four weeks out and experiencin significant regret and constantly worried about complatons down the road :( Glad to hear your doing well and pray that my journey is like yours!
From what I've seen the advice that is given is that you may want to try and eat 6 or 7 small protein meals per day and limit your sugar and carbs. Some people have to eat meals close to or at bedtime to keep their blood sugar levels "normal". I remember reading one post where the OP stated that they kept a peanut butter sandwich by their bed to take a bite or two in the middle of the night.
Again research research research ....then go see your bariatric surgeon.
Do you use the Adkins products at all?
i had surgery in 2011 and regained 85#. I am struggling so much with sugar and have fallen not only off track but off road!! Going to my surgeons office is not an option. I know my pouch is fine as when I eat like I am supposed to I get full.
I know what I need to do but am afraid to do it. The sugar has me in its grip like a heroin addiction. :(