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I think it is reactive hypoglycemia as well and I started getting this after post op year 1. It can be very very scary because it comes on fast and it can be confusing until you figure it out.
My sugar has gone as low as 40 before I figured out what was happening. It is a vicious circle once begun too. If you use sugar tablets to bring your sugar back up, in an hour it will happen again.
It usually starts happening as we let more carbs into our diet. For example, if I have cream of wheat for breakfast and don't follow up with a protein rich snack, i will get an episode. So I have learned to stick closely to a protein heavy, lower carb diet all the time. If I dont stray too far, i dont get into trouble.
I personally ditched this rule very early on. I couldn't stand it. I eat small meals often and so it just did not work for me. I've always just drank water anytime I want and definitely during meals. Here I am about a month away from my 3 year surgiversary and I'm at my lowest weight post-op. My point is, definitely do research and ask questions, but in the end, figure out what works for you and do that. :)
SOMEONE PLEASE HELP! I have had this type.pain for so long. I have tried to get doctors to understand what I am trying to tell them, I am almost sure this is related to the very invasive Gastroplasty I had in 2001. I noticed my episodes really started happening after having a ton of MRi's and Xrays for non related problems.
My pain starts right at the tip of the.left rib cage. If I.bend over, even in the slightest, I get the worst pain in that area and only in that area that can only be explained as feeling like a Charlie horse in my leg. If I stand up the intensity immediately fades, but if I try to lie down to get comfortable O start feeling as though my ribs front and back need to pop, like something under my ribs is swelling. I can literally feel knots in this area, but doctors say they feel nothing. I have also had my gallbladder removed, 2 csections, and a full hysterectomy. I keep joking with my doctor and telling him they left something in me - it is funny, but not funny! If I reach down and kind of put my fingers under my ribs it I can breath and a boulder has been lifted from me. The docs have ordered MRI's, Xrays, ans sonograms, but they have found nothing! I don't.know if I can take this.much longer!
The reflux is a huge part of it. I am on a Zantac and Prilosec daily and it still bothers me. The weight gain is very aggravating too though. I thought maybe I was doing something wrong, so I went back to basics. I started logging everything that went into my mouth in MyFitnessPal, cut out alcohol, and regular daily exercise. I started with getting 1000-1200 calories a day. That was back in sept. I now get about 700-800 calories a day. But since sept I have gained about 10 pounds. I've had all my levels checked and everything looks beautiful, I just can't figure out this gaining! I feel like such a huge failure.
Wow. That is crazy....gaining on 700-800 tires per day with daily exercise.
Sorry about your reflux.
You aren't a failure. Keep tracking and will eventually turn around.
Live, love and make the most out of what your surgeon has done for your life without excuses and without regrets.
There is a daily menu thread on the RNY forum that is always very active. It's a great thread.
RNY Jan 12, 2017 Lost 137 lbs but regained 60.
77 lbs lost and counting!
Losing the regain! I got this!
A Call For Speakers, Inspirational to Educational! We are currently accepting speaker submissions for the 2017 ObesityHelp National Conference! Conference Dates: Friday, October 27th and Saturday, October 28th Location: Long Beach, California. Speaking at an ObesityHelp Conference is an exce... Read Full Story
HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125
RW:190 - CW:130
Hello! I'm new to this forum. Just had my vsg in December 2016. I started at 212 lbs and am now at 181 lbs. I hope that this will help me to keep myself honest and that I'll get some good tips for eating. I'm so glad you have lost as much as you have... in that you are an inspiration. Thanks!
You are NOT an idiot! I have send me to feel that I was crazy because my neurologist and other doctors could not find a cause for my chronic nightly leg twitching. I've had sleep labs done and nothing explains it. I have tried increasing my vitamin intake. Currently my neurologist prescribe when I go to bed to relax my muscles. I have the Iron patches that really help. I read somewhere that switching is a sign of iron deficiency. I hope things work out for you keep us posted.
If the revisions is medically necessary as result of the bad acid reflux that is not controlled by medication, then you have no option. But it's very dangerous to consider revision for weight loss only. You're rate for complications shortterm and long term increase as a revision patient...
I totally agree about the DEXA scans. I've had two of them myself. Once I got to my original goal of 185, I got one and realized I was still at 26.5% body fat (as a male!), that's when I knew for sure I wanted to lose more, so I set my target at 165 and started lifting weights to build up my lean mass (which was 126lbs of my 185lbs at the time).
Well, I've actually had a bit of a hard time shifting into maintenance and stopping losing weight, so I am down around 145-148 (depending on the day) now. I just had another DEXA scan done, and even though I lost close to 40 lbs since the last one, I gained 7lbs of lean mass, which was awesome to learn!
I also learned that I am down to 6.4% body fat, which is still considered healthy, but just barely. I now know I need to make absolutely certain I do not lose any more weight!
So, yes, DEXA scans are really, really useful in my opinion and give you a TON of information. If you do decide to do one I suggest you try calling around to local universities. We have one near my area (Eastern Michigan University) that does them for like $40 or $60 - much cheaper than anywhere else. Private places in metro Detroit tend to charge $100-$120, which is still on the lower end nation wide from what I can tell.