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on 8/18/14 1:53 am - Bronx, NY
Topic: RE: What should I do Please any advice

Hi, Yes I would like that I'm looking for people who is going through this similar situation keep me posted....thanks Diana

on 8/18/14 1:46 am
VSG on 10/20/14
Topic: RE: 5 years today

congratulation! keep it up. 


    cleared for surgery 9/2/14   SURGERY DAY SET FOR OCT.6.2014 

on 8/17/14 9:24 pm
Topic: RE: Need counsel from those who've had brachioplasty....

The only suggestions I can give you is to really follow his orders and eat a lot of protein because that really helps with wound healing. He may be leaving the hole to heal on it's own so that fluid will be able to drain out?

Good luck!

on 8/17/14 9:21 pm
Topic: RE: 5 years today

Congratulations! Aint it wonderful?

on 8/17/14 9:20 pm
Topic: RE: What should I do Please any advice

Hey there. I just posted something similar above. Maybe we can form a support group if anyone else is interested?  I have gone back to my NUT and am seeing a psych so those may be some things possible for you too if you think.

on 8/17/14 9:18 pm
Topic: Daily or Weekly support for regain

Hi guys! Is there an active daily or weekly check in forum or group for support from regain that anyone knows about? I lost almost 200 but 4 years ago gained 70 back. My NUT seems to think my success weight will be around 230ish (started at 390) and am now at 270. This is based on the research out there about % of weight loss people have been able to keep off.

Anyhoo, just trying to cover all my bases to give myself the most support possible. I am also seeing my psychologist every 3 weeks or so. I am a member of the Back on Track group but there is really no activity on there. Thanks in advance!!


on 8/17/14 6:08 am - Bronx, NY
Topic: What should I do Please any advice

Hello my name is Diana in 2003 I had a gastric By-Pass I was weighing 450 went down to 163 now 2014 I'm up to 300 exactly I went to have a physical before I go back to work in September when school starts. My doctor said I need to lose weight I schedule an appointment with the surgeon who operated me for TUESDAY ANYONE HAS SUGGESTIOS.....THANK YOU

who knows
on 8/17/14 4:06 am
Topic: VSG (staples, not sleeve)With Gastric bypass

I read my surg report and it says VSG   with the S being staples not sleeve.  I am not having much luck googling tht, it comes up with sleeve! Did anyone else have staples instead of sleeve ? is that just how they did it 13 yrs ago?  Any known complications from using staples instead of sleeve?   

on 8/16/14 11:07 pm - Morrisville, PA
Topic: 5 years today
Well here i am 5 years down the road and looking back . I can honestly say it was all worth what ever it took.I still am in shock that people who have not seen me in 10 years do not know me until i speak to them, this happened last week at the mall. I have made many new wls buddies and have gotten so much help over the years that all I can say is thank you to each and every one of you. I only regret not doing the surgery sooner. I wish all of you a blessed Sunday.
on 8/16/14 8:10 am - AK
RNY on 02/11/13
Topic: RE: 10 years out, now severe Vitamin D2 problems Any ideas?

I second the's D3 and it's dry so our RNY-modified bodies can better absorb and use it.  At my 1-year follow-up, the surgeon looked at my labs, looked at me and said, "I've NEVER said this to an RNY patient before...but your vitamin D levels are a little high!"  LOL - I wasn't toxic and I was at a good level, just a bit above normal; it was just nice to see that I was able to maintain a good level when so many people have a hard time with that one.  He did have me back off the number of times I take it but to stay on what I was using.    Good luck!


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