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on 8/19/14 12:43 am
Topic: RE: 5 years today

Congrats on your 5 year anniversary. I am coming up on my 4 year anniversary. I also feel it was all worth it. Wish I had done it sooner. I am working on a site of my own offering information and inspiration to others considering WLS or those who have had it and just need some encouragement. Please share your story. ic-bypass.html   Thanks

on 8/19/14 12:42 am
VSG on 09/10/14
Topic: RE: VSG (staples, not sleeve)With Gastric bypass

I'm not sure if this helps you but in a Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy, they use staples to seal the incision where they cut out the excess stomach... They call it a sleeve because it essentially leaves you with a sleeve for a stomach. They don't put a sleeve on your stomach or anything. Maybe it's just a terminology thing????

on 8/19/14 12:26 am - Milledgeville, GA
Topic: RE: 3 years out.... regain

I had lap band surgery 3 1/2 years ago.  For the first year, I continuously lost then the loosing stopped.  I had to have fluid taken out several times because I finally could not even drink water comfortably. ( I have always been able to eat ice cream and chocolate which is a problem.  I gained about five pounds, then five more, then five more.  This gain occurred during December each year and despite working at it, it hasn't permanently stayed off. I have never gotten back down to my lowest weight and seem to easily go back up this last 10 pounds.  I needed to loose about 30 pounds more to be more healthy with my arthritis.  With the holiday season approaching I am scared.  My husband is not at all happy with my size which doesn't help.   I now have what I consider a lot of difficulty eating, more than I did eating the same foods in the first year. I have had to vomit more in the last three months than ever before.  Perhaps, I don't chew enough, but all dense protein and even ground beef is difficult for me to get down without a lot of sauce of some kind. I can't eat bread which is okay and not much missed.  The thing that works best is to use a food processor to grind the food into baby food consistency.  It I eat pieces of meat in a salad with dressing, I do pretty well.   I feel very discouraged most of the time.  My health is important to me, food is important and my appearance in that order.  I don't like that I am still in the obese category. A key problem is that  I am stubborn and have a hard time doing what people tell me to do and following rules for eating.  During that first year, I was better about that and did well, never vomiting etc.  I was diabetic, but now my H1C is 5.7 which is non-diabetic.  My cholesterol recently was nearly perfect, but I am borderline on many of the test that indicate malnutrition.  Essentially, I am fairly healthy except I have arthritis, allergies and obesity that are a problem at times. I guess I like food, especially chocolate, more than I want to be two sizes smaller and be able to wear clothes that have a waistline.  When I know this, I feel depressed and hopeless about changing.  I take medication for depression so I am not worried about suicide etc.  I am just not satisfied with the body I have.  God gave me a nice figure and shape and I have not taken care of it.  I have a big belly with flab, but I kept putting off having skin removal because I hoped to loose more weight.  I realize hope is not enough.  As a counselor, I lead a surgery support group for two years.  I got to know about 12 people very well during that time.  All of them except one had by-pass and their weight just fell off.  One of them has regained all of her weight and the others are doing well.  The one other person who had lap band has the same problems that I do.  The last time I saw the surgeon, he essentially said he was finished with me when he removed about cc of fluid and said you just have to learn what you can eat and exercise to excess.  I do exercise and I am very active in general.  

on 8/19/14 12:12 am - Morrisville, PA
Topic: RE: 5 years today
thank you so much, I see you are near your goal,congrats.
S T.
on 8/18/14 11:59 am
wanda C.
on 8/18/14 8:02 am - clinton township, mi
Brenda Stewart
on 8/18/14 7:07 am - Rising Sun, MD
Topic: Hiatal Hernias 14yrs post op

I had my surgery in 2000 with the wonderful Dr. Vanguri in Baltimore. Recently I have had acid reflux and pain. I get an Upper GI tomorrow. I am pretty sure its a Hiatal Hernia. I am worried about another surgery. I had a regular hernia repair about 8 yrs ago. I had skin surgery about 5 yrs ago and they tightened my muscles really too tight.  I am wondering if I have anything left to work on...a bit worried.


wanda C.
on 8/18/14 6:15 am - clinton township, mi
Topic: 12 years post op lap rny pouch pain / nausea

Its been 12 years since my lap rny lost 130 lbs never lost it all now i have gained back 85  lbs i am anemic, high blood pressure vitamin d deficient, osteo arthritis in my knee oh and only 45 .... Any way i have vomited since day one after surgery.... So now over the past year i have developed severe nausea which prevents me from eating anything still vomiting now stabbing pains at times constantly my stomach feels bloated my stools are loose i just feel terrible and it worse than it   Was a year ago anyone with similiar problems ? I have a appt with new surgeon next week i hope i make it that long.... My surgeon quit doing the surgeries or taking care of us since 2005 it was hard to find a dr close that would see me as well as possibly do a revision 

on 8/18/14 4:53 am
Topic: RE: Need counsel from those who've had brachioplasty....

I've had the procedure and it sounds pretty common - you do need the fluid to drain - and the primary thing is to not overdo it and try to life anything until they heal.  Let us know how the checkup goes


on 8/18/14 3:43 am - Croydon, PA
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