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on 10/7/14 3:19 am
Topic: RE: 7.5 years out, 25 pound regain but still satisfied

I can relate.  I am ten year out.  Highest was 339.  At time of surgery was 265.  Currently 193ish.  I keep remembering that the stats say that bypass patients keep an average of 60% of their excess weight off in the long term.  At 190 pounds, you are not trashing your joints.  You are not at huge risk for blood pressure, cholesterol and diabetes issues.  You and I may not be model-perfect but we are at a decent weight that does not put us in danger.  I see that as a success.


on 10/6/14 11:10 pm
Topic: RH & Metamucil

I read a post somewhere on here that it's good to take Metamucil for RH. The person who wrote the post said they take it every morning. I was wondering, how many people with RH on here take it? Do you take it just in the morning or do you take it 3 times a day as the product suggests? 

on 10/6/14 5:58 am
Topic: need a general practioner in West Houston that understands RNY patients

I had my srugery in 2010 and lost all my weight, maintain right where my surgeon said I should be.  My regular Dr. is no longer on my insurance so I need to find a new GP that understands RNy patients and issues.  West houston.  Know anyone good???


on 10/5/14 1:59 pm
Topic: RE: VSG almost 3 years out, need some help...

I'm glad I happened upon this tonight....I've been struggling BIG time since I got to "goal".. I lost amazingly well, great recovery.  I'm now 1 1/2 yrs post op.I kind of knew it would happen, because I still have no idea how to maintain my weight...the surgery didn't teach me this.  I only know "losing"  OR  "gaining".  And I've been eating like an idiot for months now - have put on 15 pounds and it might as well be 100, because I feel so angry with myself and so ashamed and out of control.  I am heading back AGAIN to a therapist because I just can't seem to get a handle on this.  I realize it's supposed to be a life style change, but when the only thing that has changed is my stomach, it's awfully hard to see it this way.  I WISH I had changes other than just the surgery (ie more time to work out, money to pay a personal trainer, less external stressors, more help at home), because it has really done a number on me mentally.  I feel like I've ruined everything.  It is just so strikingly clear to me now that I've had the surgery, that I am completely and fully addicted to eating.  I did one of those self-tests and I checked off EVERY single one of the "are you a binge/compulsive eater"...I even fit the profile for the "night time compulsive" eating syndrome (didn't know there was a name for it!!).

Oh boy.....this has struck a chord with me, sorry to interject my own stuff onto your post...but I relate and also would love some more responses that can positively motivate....or at least normalize? some of this so that I/we can feel confident that it's not "over" and it's not "ruined"?  Know what I mean?


January 8th, 2013 - VSG with Dr Paul Sullivan (St Joe's Toronto)


on 10/5/14 1:30 pm
Topic: RE: VSG almost 3 years out, need some help...

I think one of the reasons we all struggle so much is that we aren't being held accountable on a daily basis. I know I have struggled for years being able to eat any food and larger quantities than I assumed would be possible after a gastric sleeve. If I choose to eat something "bad," the record in my brain says, "well, you screwed up the day already, so you may as well go ahead and eat bad the rest of the day because it's shot." It's a record I will probably struggle to change for the rest of my life, but I can tell you that exercising daily and eating clean have helped me over the last 4 months. When I exercise in the morning, I tend to stay away from "bad" foods because I am proud of my progress and I don't want to ruin it by making the wrong food choices.

I am a Beachbody Coach now (Who knew that was even possible 4 years ago at 297 lbs?!?!?) and I am paying it forward by helping others on their fitness journeys. I have online fitness groups where we exercise daily, check in, talk about our meals, struggles, accomplishments, and just hold each other accountable. I became a coach to hold MYSLEF accountable because I am leading these groups and I cannot let them down - and guess what? It's working! I get to help others, which feels so fantastic, and I get to keep myself on track as well. (Plus it's nice to get an extra paycheck every week). If you are having trouble with staying on track with your exercise and nutrition, seek out one of these accountability groups or reach out to me - I'm always happy to help!  -Lisa

HW 297 / SW 257 / CW 210 / GW 160  

on 10/5/14 1:28 pm
Topic: RE: Feeling like a huge fat failure...

I think one of the reasons we all struggle so much is that we aren't being held accountable on a daily basis. I know I have struggled for years being able to eat any food and larger quantities than I assumed would be possible after a gastric sleeve. If I choose to eat something "bad," the record in my brain says, "well, you screwed up the day already, so you may as well go ahead and eat bad the rest of the day because it's shot." It's a record I will probably struggle to change for the rest of my life, but I can tell you that exercising daily and eating clean have helped me over the last 4 months. When I exercise in the morning, I tend to stay away from "bad" foods because I am proud of my progress and I don't want to ruin it by making the wrong food choices.

I am a Beachbody Coach now (Who knew that was even possible 4 years ago at 297 lbs?!?!?) and I am paying it forward by helping others on their fitness journeys. I have online fitness groups where we exercise daily, check in, talk about our meals, struggles, accomplishments, and just hold each other accountable. I became a coach to hold MYSLEF accountable because I am leading these groups and I cannot let them down - and guess what? It's working! I get to help others, which feels so fantastic, and I get to keep myself on track as well. (Plus it's nice to get an extra paycheck every week). If you are having trouble with staying on track with your exercise and nutrition, seek out one of these accountability groups or reach out to me - I'm always happy to help!  -Lisa


HW 297 / SW 257 / CW 210 / GW 160  

on 10/5/14 1:06 pm

It has been quite a while since I have visited the OH Forums and I just want to take a moment and truly thank each of you for sharing your stories, providing motivation and support, and answering questions. I had a sleeve in 2010 and plastic surgery with Dr. Sauceda in Mexico in 2012. I was 297 at surgery and am now 174. I have since gone on to become a Beachbody Coach (I know - who knew, right?) and I help others with their fitness journeys. I cannot tell you how much this online community of loving people helped me back in 200-2010 when I was trying to decide on which surgery, which doctor, and asking a thousand questions. I was never alone in my process and the love and support was overwhelming! I thank every single one of you from the bottom of my heart.

For those of you wondering if you should have a bariatric surgery - YES, get your life back, feel healthier, LIVE again! For those of you who have had surgery and are looking for help with your fitness, I am always willing to help pay it forward - just reach out to me! Again, THANK YOU OH COMMUNITY - my life is 180 degrees different and I am alive thanks to you all!

HW 297 / SW 257 / CW 210 / GW 160  

on 10/5/14 12:58 pm
Topic: RE: Have you lost Hair and Have excess Skin?

I had a gastric sleeve in 2010, plastic surgery in Mexico in 2012 and I wouldn't change it for the WORLD!! I wish I had done it sooner instead of wasting so much time on the sidelines watching everyone else have a life. My depression is gone (did therapy too), my high blood pressure is gone (no more meds), and I will never get diabetes (tested pre-diabetic). What I can tell you is that surgery is scary, it is a scary first step and there will be roadblocks (like hair loss), but the alternative is being invisible to the rest of the world, not participating, and dying younger than you should. NOTHING should deter you from getting the surgery! I am now a Beachbody Coach and I help others on their journeys to get fit and eat better. I could NEVER have even imagined me doing that before. I hadn't exercised since high school and if someone had told me I would be coaching others and paying it forward, I would have thought they were a fool.  You can do this - you HAVE to do this to save your life. I wish you the VERY BEST on your journey!

HW 297 / SW 257 / CW 210 / GW 160  

on 10/5/14 9:30 am - torrancec, CA
Topic: RE: Feeling like a huge fat failure...

I am in the same boat I feel like I am a looser, a friend came to me yesterday and said are you going to do the surgery over again you have gained so much weight. I had to reactivate my account because I don't know what to do.

on 10/5/14 8:19 am - PA
Topic: 7.5 years out, 25 pound regain but still satisfied

I am 7.5 years out. Highest weight 290, lowest 165, current 190. I had a weird year 5 and regained 25 pounds. During that year I also developed a transfer addiction to alcohol and went to rehab. I was amazed at how many other women in rehab with me had RNY and had developed a transfer addiction to booze. Anyway, I am trying to lose the 25, but I have to say that I am still pretty happy with my result. I have made some eating changes and have not gained any more weight for 1.5 years. I just stay stuck at 190. I wonder how much of this is middle age. I don't think that the RNY has failed me, I just think that I am now an average middle aged woman dealing with weight issues. Can anyone relate?

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