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Thank you!! 6..OMGoodness you're a trooper!! I really appreciate you putting my mind at ease

I had RNY June 2012
I weighed in at 292 and now weigh 162. I haven't been able to really get below this, and at only 5'4" it really feels still sooo overweight to ME. And, I also have horrible extra skin. I have about 8 inches hanging from each of my arms. And then my tummy and back, plus butt and thighs. ITS SOO GROSS. I hate the way I look. I know I should be feeling good, and happy about my weight loss, but at this point I am just not. Anyone experiencing this also. I know this is personal, but I don't even like having sex with my hubby anymore, because I am too grossed out about flapping skin everywhere. I am on the verge of tears everytime I see myself in the mirror. Still can't wear cute clothes cause of it, and def don't feel better about myself. Maybe I am just having a pity party over here, but I am just reaching out to see if anyone has experienced this as well :(
Youre having endoscopic surgery. Youll get an IV and they will have u lay on your left side and then put you OUT! Youll not remember anything the next day and its painless. Ive had 6 so trust me on this. Versaid is the name of the med they give you thru the IV. Dont sweat it. You wont feel anything but when they put the IV in.Let me know how it goes and what they find. Ill keep you in my thoughts. Hugs♡
Hey! I'm sorry I've just been so busy lately I haven't had time to turn around. I don't know if I told you but the appt I had in Dec ended up only being for the consult. I was so upset, I had fasted all day and was totally stressed and all for nothing. So the actual procedure is tomorrow at 10am. I have to go down to Belvoir early to do some lab work first. I am a walking bundle of nerves. The thought of someone putting something down my throat is hard to get past.
No you certainly can't walk around with holes in your tummy:( You will be in my thoughts for a safe procedure and speedy recovery!!
Keep me updated!!

hi there! Haven't heard from you in quite some time so I'm a little concerned. Wondering how you're doing and wondering if they found out what was wrong? I also wanted to let you know they have my surgery scheduled for the 29th of January at 8 a.m. They are going to try to repair the two holes, if not they're going to totally redo the RNY and go into the other side, if that makes any sense . I'm pretty scared but it's something I have to do. I cant walk around with two holes in my stomach. I sure cant keep gaining weight. Ive put on about another 15 pounds since November! It's just unbelievable! Let me know how youre doing, okay kiddo? You take care of yourself .Bye for now
Congratulations :)
I'm so glad you made it to the other side. Depression is a beast.
Thank you SOOO much I needed that. I've been Too hard on myself recently and I need to give myself a break, I'm battling other issues health wise so it's stressful when they tell me to worry about this and less on my weight. so again, thank you!!
First of all you look amazing and I have the same issue as you and whenI look in the mirror i see body fat but when I work my abs I can tell it is extra skin. So just keep doing what you are doing and don let the self conscious stand in the way of the self confidence your are more than a conquerer...
Just keep at it. I have heard that you can stretch your pouch but I have also experienced that slowly you can shrink it so that you lose weight. Don't forget about nutrition and protein intake. I had gained 5 pounds in a week and decided that I was eating too much. I know that this is not a lot of weight but it is significant to getting on the wrong track. I simply lowered my calories slowly and I was back to my goal weight in two weeks. Don't feel helpless you still have your tool you just need to sharpen it and it will take time. continue to exercise and count your calories and protein.