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I have to say, I'm damned proud of myself so far. Since Wednesday I've been tracking my intake, walking more, prioritizing protein, cut out the crappy food. It feels good, and I've lost 4.4 lbs so far. It's a great boost to keep going! After Valentine's Day (no candy, but hubby is cooking a special dinner) I'm going to do the liquid diet that is recommended for preop patients to cleanse me, and then go back to the total postop basics to shrink my pouch and get my stomach used to no crapola. I can do this!!! I'm even walking laps around the store I work in when there are no customers since it's way too snowy and cold to walk outside during the day with the baby.
I haven't had the issues you're describing. I Googled Petersen's Hernia and found:
Here are the search results for you to peruse:
Please keep us updated. I hope you get some answers. Take care!
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I had my gastric bypass surgery in October 2011, so a little over 3 years ago now. I have been very sick for over 2 months straight. I have severe abdominal pain both upper and lower. Pain is mainly on the right side and goes into my back. Based on what I have read I believe that I may have Chronic Pancreatitis and I may have had an Acute Attack in the beginning of January where it lasted for about two weeks and I probably should have gone to the ER. I could not eat or drink and finally was able to drink only water and thankfully lots of it which I believe was the only thing that helped me and basically flushed out my system. However, I have had so many tests and procedures and nothing has proven my thoughts of Pancreatitis. I went back to see my Bariatric Surgeon and he found a Ventral Wall Hernia on the right side of my abdomen and one Internal Hernia called a Petersen's Hernia. However, he just presumed I had this Petersen's Hernia based on only a few symptoms I mentioned to him. He basically cut me off and just said that was what was wrong with me. There is no real test to show or prove this hernia as far as I am aware. Has anyone ever experienced a Petersen's Hernia? What are the sure symptoms of one. My heart feels like it's going to pound out of my chest and the pain is excruciating and I cannot eat or most of all sleep. I have a constant stabbing, burning, piercing pain that is relentless. My bowel habits have changed and now I am much more constipated. I cannot lay down. The pain is mainly on the right side. Can anyone she'd some light on this situation for me? I am completely desperate. Thanks in advance!
on 2/5/15 1:18 pm
I have had many abdominal studies after RNY. The fizzy part hurts like heck but I did it ONCE. often, the radiologist can get by with making the liquid "thin" But it's totally do-able (NOT PLEASANT). Often doesn't take as much as a non op to get what they need done. There is a clear prep that works much better for me than the banana flavor, and that one was like drinking a glass of water. It does not typcially show the remnant stomach. Only way i have heard to see inside that is actually going in surgically. Diagnostic Laproscopy. Contrast is constipating, so believe them when they say don't skimp on water afterwards.
I had gastric bypass years ago. In the recent past I had reconstruction after weight loss. Approx 6 months ago-afterwards I have had abd pains. The local doctors unaware of effects with taking contrast for abd ultrasound. If most of my stomach isn't attached to my esophagus then drinking 2 quarts of contrast endangers my pouch but it would never go to my old stomach right? Any suggestions appreciated. I did call my surgeon but never heard from them at this moment.
It's really tough! I'm used to eating half a sleeve of Thin Mints with no problem. I actually hate that sugar doesn't make me dump until I really go nuts. But I told myself that if I hit my exercise goal for three days, and stay under my calorie cap, I earned a serving, which is two Thin Mints, I believe. If I nibble them, it lasts. Today I was craving chocolate at work, so I got a protein bar and had half. Got in 15g of protein, 3g carbs, and 95 calories, much better than giving in to a Hershey bar!
What a great NSV! I haven't had one of those cookies in the longest time, luckily for me there aren't too many little kids in my bldg & I work crazy hours so I'm not around if they try to sell me any! LOL
For me moderation with sweets is still key, whenever I went with an all or nothing approach, I'd eventually give in & go overboard but if I can have a little bit, I'm good. The other times that I try not to eat sweets is to put my cookies, the ones I know I can go to town on, leave it in the box, & put my old coffee maker machine on top of it. It makes me really think if I really want those cookies today, or wait another day. So far, so good, they've been here for months. I might have to toss them! LOL

No one surgery is better than the other, what works for one may not work for another. T-Rebel
Good plan to take to work. Your co-workers will love them.
I'm with you, I can't have just one.
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Of course you had to support your daughter. I have sons so the GS cookies aren't an issue.
I think it is great that you can use moderation with one cookie every couple of days. I can do moderation but with GS cookies, I'm doubtful. Maybe someday........
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