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I'm sorry your having these issues. My surgeon was Hosein Yasrebi Chief of surgery at Memorial Medical Center. Hang in there.

I went to the ER on Friday and was in so much pain they did a CT scan and saw that I had my lower intestines backed up all the way to my small intestines. They gave me stool softeners and laxatives and such and referred me to a G.I. doctor. I live in Alabama what Dr. in Florida did you use? By the way I am 13 years out.
I have found that most are reasonable but after a period of time they all turn on you. You need a wide variety. I will use them until I am sick it it. I know...not the best idea. It is a personal flavor choice, just gotta try them until you find what you like.
Wow! So glad you made it though and that you healthy.
All Best, Layla
Wow! So glad you made it though and that you healthy.
All Best, Layla
Could someone recomend a good tasting protein shake? One that don't cost an arm and a leg?
Hi Cathy
Thank you so much for that encouragement. I hope your journey is as positive as mine has been!

Wow, reading your post I felt tearful and happy. I'm so glad that you're okay now. Your experience was frightening and yet here you are not regretting your WLS.
As you did in this situation, we are advocates of our own health.
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Hi All
Been a long time since I was here. I had open RNY in 1999. The weight loss has been wonderful. Until last year I had no complications other then anemia which is very common. I started becoming very weak and tired. Went to my PCP and she ran some tests and discovered I was no longer absorbing my vitamins. I started to develop pain around my sternum but they could find nothing. I KNEW something was wrong. Finally they did a scope. When I had my surgery it was common to insert a mesh ring to ensure the opening stayed tight. That mesh ring had eroded into my intestines and I was bleeding internally. We located the best Bariactric Surgeon we could find and consulted with him. He did not mince words. He had never seen this before but it had to come out. Life threatening surgery because he really didn't know how bad it was. I was in surgery 6 hrs, ICU 2 days and the hospital an additional 8 days. I lost a liter of blood and recovery was awful but I am alive and healthy. If you think there is something wrong don't give up. If I had I would have died. The 2nd surgery has not affected the rest of my bypass and I am not gaining weight. I do not regret my WLS one bit but when it comes to your own health be proactive!