Gaining Gaining Gaining - wi**** was gone
I am 18 mo post op. My lowest weight (at 5'5) was 159. I am now 182 and GAINING. I have gone up from maintaining approx. 165-170 for over a year to 182 in the last 2 months. I think it may be medical. I am having other symptoms and may be beginning menopause.
Thank you, it's very frustrating. I'm feeling like a BIG FAILURE.
ps. I am not exercising like I should but still keep to 1000 or so calories (if that), 30-40 gm of fat, less than 50 carbs, 110 gm of protein, all my vitamins a day. I am on meds that may contribute to weight gain. But I don't want to go there as an excuse.
Thank you ALL in advance!
Hi Julie, I know it seems discouraging but it sounds as if you have an idea of what may be the problem; so if I were you I would talk to my Dr. and then my nut and see where you need to go from there. At least it will tell what the problems may not be. OK. Don't be discouraged or beat yourself up you've come this far, you can make it. We're rooting for you.
first start measuring what you eat out in advance. Use a measuring cup/scale. most people under estiamte their food volume/calorie intake by 30-50%.
If i am having trouble I will do that formy whole day's food first thing in the morning.
write down every single thing that goes into your mouth, even if it is one bite. (usually just writing it down will help me lose weight because I tend to be in denial about the nibble here and nibble there and forget to include them in my calorie count.
take the food diary to the dietician and go over it with them.
You need to see a dr. 10 pounds in 2 months is not normal - menoapuse or not. I recently was having an issue with terrible hunger and have found out I have reflux and amazingly with treatment for that my hunger is under control. I think my body was sending me signals that I was misinterpreting as hunger.
another key issue for me is dealing with the emotional aspects of the weight loss and dealing with emotional eating.
Exercise is key. You can not and will not maintain your weight loss with out exercise, 30-60 minutes a day every day. get your heart pumping and the sweat flowing. active lifestyle. Park at the back of the parking lot and walk. take the stairs not the elevator.
It is not easy. I know for me it has been such a drastic change in lifestyle and has affected all areas of my life.
hugs and good luck figureing it out.
Julie you are NOT a failure! All you need to do is what you know works. Food log, Bally's, and your loss will resume! Your meds may be making it more of a challenge, however, they don't need to be a roadblock. Stay strong you have already done it now you just need to keep doing it. Persistance will always release its reward if one refuses to quit!
Best wishes! Don
I read your profile and you have done a truely amazing job. I'm so impressed that you have gone on to become a personal trainer. Since you know about life on both sides I'm sure you are probably one of the best out there.
Congrats on the Mt Rainier climb. It's something I dreamed about, but won't be able to do. However, that being said, I'm getting stronger and stronger every day and so is my knee. Who knows I never thought a year ago I'd be biking to and from work or walking 3-5 miles per day.
Life is good!