No New Tricks for this Dog!
Hey girlfriend!!!!!!
(oh, and for the record missy? I DID SO reply to your post about Florida and Busch Gardens - I want to try and plan on getting out there in November so you and I can be KIDS for a weekend!)
BUT...back to the subject of the "new changes"
Another WONDERFUL PLUS?!? You can do a search on "recent posts" under someones name that pulls up the ENTIRE HISTORY of posts - not just the last 100. It goes all the way back to October 2003, which is when OH made the "other change" to the board, that you mentioned earlier.
Whats GREAT ABOUT that History thingie? It still shows some of the "Oooops, did I just sign on under a FAKE PROFILE name and PROMOTE MY OWN BUSINESS" posts.
Too damn funny!

We have a dog named Bennie. Bennie is a Lab mix and smart as a whip. My younger son would have these HS-age girls over to the house. Bennie would greet them, ball in mouth. He would then fling the ball out of his mouth and back up a step or two. The girl would say "Oh, do you want to play?". She would throw the ball to Bennie and he would bring it back to her. Bennie would repeat this, backing up further each time. After about 8 to 10 throws, he picks up the ball, walks to the back door of the house and barks. The girls says "Do you want to go outside?", and then out they go to play 'fetch'. Almost without fail, the girls comes back in and says "Your dog is so smart. I taught him how to catch a ball and bring it back". My response? "That dog is so smart he taught you how to throw it to him."
I've a reasonable confidence that if I send Bennie to Cleveland, he can get you up to speed on this new layout. For me, I only come to the Grad Board anyway, so it won't matter. If you do choose to join Elvis and leave the building, I wish you the very best. The place just won't be the same w/o you.
Nowhere Man/PH/Jay
Yep - I agree the changes on the "main" board can be overwhelming at first and I don't have the patience to play around with it, long term, just a lil bit each day (if that). Figure I better learn and FAST, because it's just a matter of time (days) before all the boards are set up under the same format.
MY BIGGEST GRIPE-FEST?????? (not that anyone asked)
Are the SIGNATURE LINES!!!!!!!!!! Good gawd almighty, can we please get a SPACE LIMIT ON THOSE?? Some of these signatures go so far to the right that the end of the post is actually showing up somewhere in Oklahoma. Who the hell has the time or patience to scroll to the right on a post that's been stretched because of too many PHOTOS?
I saw one yesterday (no lie) that an ENTIRE PHOTOBUCKET ALBUM was loaded to it in thumbnail size -- well, even thumbnail, when you place 40 photos side by side by side by ...etc, it's gonna stretch to Egypt and back. UGH!
Oh, and let's not forget the signatures that are'nt WIDE so much as LONG! You know, the ones that have 8 x 10 photos embedded of their spouse, kid, dogs, cat, neighbors, neighbors dog, the cousins 4 times removed....etc.
[whew, I feel better]
Don't stay gone too long Karen - the songs about to start up again, so join me on the dance floor and bring your left foot.
Hi, My name's Melanie and I have a signature line!!! (Said in an AA meeting type of way! LOL)
Anyway, I'm with ya'll on most of this, especially the large banners and multiple pictures, and they are giving those of us who just want to add a little something a BAD NAME! But I do want to add that they have the signature area set up weird. It's automatically double spaced and takes up alot of room, even for a simple signature. Hopefully they'll make some changes to that eventually. I have to say, I'm a little lazy, so I like the fact that I don't have to type the same thing at the bottom of every post anymore.
My signature is the smallest I was able to get it.
Now, play nice and don't flame, cuz I luv ya'll! or to "borrow" Pinalope's phrase...
well most of ya'll.
Have a GREAT day everyone!