Interesting thing happened at MVA
Went to MVA saturday to renew my license and begged the lady to let me have my old picture because it was the only "good" pic I have of myself. She looked at me as if I were nuts. The pic was 3 years old..I was about 250 then....I thought I look very thin...well she took the new one, changed my weight on liscence & handed me the new & old Pics...OMG my new pic I look like a tooth pick that was so shocking. I guess looking in the mirrow everyday I still see the old me Funny How that is
RNY 9/17/03
My license still has my "before" photo (altho probably not at my biggest) and this past weekend, someone FINALLY commented on it.
I don't guess I have to show it very often, since I usually use a debit card, rather than writing checks, but I flew to TX this weekend, and had to show it at several security checkpoints (oh, and to the cop who gave me a speeding ticket on the way to the airport - ugh!).
The security guy in the first airport (a gentleman of size, himself) looked at it said "Looks like you've lost a little weight!" (in that intentially understating way) I thanked him for noticing and told him he was the first. He'd moved on to the next passenger by then.
On the way home, though, the ticket counter girl was like "Wow - How did you do that? How much have you lost? That's great!" and on and on
Very cool.
I have my picture from when I weighed 325 and had put 170 for my weight. I suppose there is some valid reasons to have a weight actually correspond to a person. Still, when the DMV guy perhaps glanced at the number and looked up at me, I probably stared him down with an eye that dared him to say anything to challenge it. After all, even the most loyal DMV government employee is also perhaps a husband, son, brother, and knows not to even touch it! As Mr. T would say "pity the fool"!!!
Now I put 150 and actually weigh it! Maybe it means I'm getting healthy in the head that I didn't feel I should put 125!?!
Try a passport photo! you keep them for 10 years (they aren't cheap) and since I go back and forth over the Canadian border a lot, the looks I get from border patrol are hilarious!! One said "this isn't you!" I said's me...about 120 lbs lighter...just look at my eyes! Finally after a few times they don't bother me so much...but like I told him I am not paying for a new one until it's time...bad enough I have to deal with gas prices!!
I still have my old license and most have to do a double take *L* I love it....but I worry if someone is going to refuse me something because of it *L* OH with it when the time comes. Thanks for sharing