Messageboards & Low Self Esteem
My goodness Dx, you've wrote a book and I did read every word of it. Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately in this job here with OH I'm going to be accused of doing everything, even Tooter, but it comes with the job. I'll take the few who hate me and move on. I'm not worried about them, I worry about the ones who need help and I can help. That's why I come back on not only my OH time, but personal time. It's something I love doing. I'm pretty aware about the 'blogs' going around, all I can say is anyone that truly knows me knows they are completely false and those who chose to believe them know nothing about me. All I can offer up is those people who do persue trying to hurt me are only hurting their self. I only thankfully have to look at myself in the mirror each day and I have no guilt for the hard choices I've had to make to ensure our members stay somewhat protected. Those 'blogs' only speak volumns for the ones writing them. This ties into your above portion about the person who said they look like a stalker and fat and old... I've had to deal with those who believe I'm in it for some fame or fortune, it's appalling the rumors that fly around, but that's not true either. Persona or not no one should treat anyone the way I've been treated by some people and even some I've helped along the way, but I'm dusting myself off and moving on.
Awww well thanks for your post and my rambles

I was totally shocked recently by such blog stuff.
Don't understand hanging on to mis-guided resentment.
What is that old proverb?
"hatred is a poison that destroys the vessel that carries it..."
I'm ducking and running from such of late....
But I am happy to see you out on the boards more lately
And not just confined to the "stickies" at the top of pages.
Have a Great one!
Best Wishes-

Blogs? Do people have a life? Sorry but the idea that character assasination has gone on to that degree is totally offensive to me. Let it go for Pete's sake. I am sorry that it has gotten to that. I am staying out of the mud. A general thank you to all the people who come here with good intensions. I love the boards and will stay. I will continue to do my personal best to post from the heart with honest and thoughtfully composed posts. I will roll the dice and hope I do not get attacked but if I do I will just have to put on my big girl panties and deal with it too. I appreciate you all.
MY PERSONAL DISCLAMER TO ANYONE READING MY POST: I am dyslexic. If you get offended by spelling errors please do not read the following post. With this said.....
Thank you for your post. I have been a member of OH for what seems like forever. I open and read postings at least twice a day but could prob. count the number of times I've posted or responded on one hand. I was a member for about a week when I posted my first time and the very first person *****sponed back to me slamed me for of all things my spelling. Im dyslexic and it takes me forever to type anything in the first place because I read over it 3-4 times to try to catch any of the errors. I see so many people trying to be helpful or trying to get help and they get so much negativity in return. My journey hasn't been easy and a zillion times I could have asked for some kind of help or advise but have honestly been afraid to ask. Im sure Im not the only one who has felt this way. I wonder if there is anyway for OH to check how many open profiles there are against then number or postings for each member.
You have always been so warm and open with your responses. Thank you for that. It really means a lot to us silent observers.
Thank you again -- Jill
We have a lot of members and not as many that post. We still have quite a few who post, but if they all posted the boards would float off the site and page's in the morning would probably be page 10 or later
I have a very close friends who is dyslexic so I understand your thoughts about this as I've heard her story and struggle with it. It's sad that anyone who make fun of your spelling, pretty much goes back to this post, you don't know people's background. I've been told I can't write myself. I do the best I can with what I've got, if someone doesn't like it skip the post, ya know. Doesn't mean I'm uneducated, people make mistakes, even the ones with the highest IQ's. You just keep being you and I really hope to see you posting more, you have so much you could offer!

ya know, I went thru the same thing. I spent a good portion of my childhood sick to my stomach from nerves. Terror of having to face school again the next day, the teasing, the taunting. Well, it taught me to run from bullies, and I still am. I still haven't learned to stand up for myself. Our childhood definately shapes who we are as adults.