4 year anniversary and still learning
Just realized that today is my 4th year from surgery. I've read with interest the posts for today, especially the one on "expected gain". I have gain 19 pounds since 4/03. A lot has been sloppy eating (carbs-nuts, too many protein bars, drinks, bread (healthy "Milton") and crackers. Anything "munchie".
However, my question for all of you is: do you find yourself putting the next spoon of food into your mouth BEFORE you have swallowed the first bite. I just discovered I was doing this and I was really surprised. I didn't even notice I had been doing it. I always was a "face feeder", taking large bites of food, etc., but I didn't quite realize I wasn't through chewing the first batch before I was putting the 2nd in my mouth. Has anyone else had this happen or am I still a "face feeder"?

I found this week I was doing things like that....The mindless eating...eating stuff away (Lets say BAD WEEK). I think I have some control now...especially since last night was the first time I have had the sensation of the elephant on the chest and a foamie experience with this surgery! Didn't like it and you can bet I will start to pay closer attention. Ms Pouch does not like to have too much and I guess she told me last night! Face Feeder...I like that term. I guess I qualify as one too! I love the crunch. As long as we recognize it perhaps we have a chance to change it! I hope so.
First of all, protein bars are just candy bars on steroids. The sad thing is that they are made with a protein that we don't even absorb fully. Might as well just grab a snickers for a lot cheaper and get it over with.
I've done good with not gaining back weight - thus far. [See my answer to Steve's post below]
Good luck and God bless.
Since starting on this journey I have watched people eating and was amazed not only on how fast and how much, but the size of the bites and how one spoonful came right after the other. I know that I used to do that with things that I liked, like ice cream, so that I was able to eat huge amounts without even realizing it. Since I wasn't able to do that for so many years, I pretty much taught myself not to. HOWEVER, and that is the big "however", I too noticed the other day that I had a spoonful going to my mouth without my having swalled the first one. So, the moral to this story is, old habits never die and we have to be extra vigilant the further out we get. I will be 3 years in June. I thank my lucky stars every morning as I jump on the scale that I am able to keep my weight off. WLS, you saved my life. Happy weekend to all. Missy
Hi Marilyn:
I still try very hard to put the fork/spoon down after every bite and sit there while I chew. I am 19 months out and at goal and still have a tendency to get sick if I eat too big of bites or don't chew the little bites that I do eat.
Last week I made swiss steak for dinner. It went down fine. I cut my meat the size of my next to my baby finger fingernail like I was told. So the bites are very small. Well, the next night we had leftovers and I did the same thing--I was sick, sick, sick (i.e. dumping) for about 15 minutes. So, I went and had a protein drink. For the most part, what I wrote in paragraph one above works for me---sometimes it doesn't. I just keep working at it.
Good luck