OT - Please indulge me.
Has anyone ever had a normal pap smear result and yet the gyno calls and schedules an endometrial biopsy? I have to have one in two weeks and I have NEVER had a symptom of anything such as abnormal bleeding. I am guessing that even tho the pap was normal there must have been something else in the report to the doctor.
I have also heard its painful and you should take NSAIDS beforehand. As a WLS patient, will it hurt me to take just a couple? I have been a faithful Tylenol user since surgery. However, I do take 81mg aspirin as a blood thinner daily (with my WLS surgeons ok).
G'morning Margie ~
I don't have any "like experiences" to share, although I am going back in next week for my FIRST ever REDO, it's because the initial results were abnormal. First time in 30 years Ive had an abnormal, so that was a tad bit unsettling!
I was kinda surprised to find out that THREE other very good friends of mine (all who had WLS, and all who've NEVER had any problems with their "yearlies") are ALSO going back in for a recheck, due to their first abnormal results. Interesting.
As far as NSAIDS go - lol, Im not about to tell you 'yay or nay' on that. I will say, that Im a DISTAL bypass with a 20 CC pouch and I HAVE been known to take stuff from the "oh my gawd, don't you dare!!" NSAID list and lived to type about it, with NO adverse reactions.
Good luck to you - let us know what comes of it.
- Lei

I have had two endo biopsies and yes they are painful, but only for a couple moments. You can take something if you want, but it probably won't help that much. SORRY...
The pain is because they use a straw-like wand thingy and pu**** through your cervix. They then kind of scrap or snip slightly (this part isn't so bad) and then it's done. The cervix is usually closed up tight, so forcing it, even a little hurts.
You do spot for a couple hours afterwards, but no biggie.
Don't worry too much, it really is over pretty quick.
Linda 208
Sorry if this is TMI. I always love to know exactly what to expect!
I've had 2 EMBs. The pain is brief but a tad memorable. I've never given birth and I was always curious about what labor felt like. Well, the EMB pretty much satisfied that curiosity. (Very brief though - and all you Moms please don't attack me - I'm well aware that that was like 1 on a scale of 1-100 of how labor must feel - you have my total respect.) Only my opinion but if you can pop a couple ibuprofen on a full tummy I think it'd be fine and you'd be a lot more comfortable.
I agree with Michele that it'd be a good idea to know the reason for the test. Speaking as a senior citizen (58) I can relate that as you get older
test results can be "something we need to keep an eye on" more frequently. Try not to be alarmed - it's part of the whole aging deal. But by ALL MEANS follow up! I'm usually a six-month pap gal - always the second one comes back fine but I'm not taking any chances on not catching something early on!
Good luck! It's really not that bad --

I had an endometrial biopsy six weeks ago. I took Tylenol before the test but don't think it helped at all. It was very painful. The tech that assited the doctor said that it was the most painful test that they'd ever do to me in the office while I was awake. The intense cramping did subside quickly but I was left with some cramping that was pretty persistant throughout the rest of the day. I eventually had to take a muscle relaxer to get comfortable that night to sleep.
Last week I had to go for another test (HSG test) but wasn't allowed to take any medicine before the test so the option of tylenol was out. My doctor had offered to give me an NSAID through the IV prior to test but once I reminded him of my bypass he wouldn't do that. He did say that if I was in pain he'd give me something after. While in recovery he ordered percocet for me. Within 20 minutes the pain and cramping was gone. It knocked me out though and I took a three hour nap (at nine in the morning). Once I woke up I never felt another cramp from the test.
Ask your doctor if he can prescribe something for you to take prior to the test. Remind him that you can't take the NSAIDs.
Good luck with your test.
Thanks for all the answers ladies! I dont usually have a problem with pain, so I dont think I'll worry too much about it. Childbirth wasnt too bad 21 years ago....no epidural, but lots of demerol! (ahhhhh!)
And dont worry, I DO intend to ask WHY I am having it done....My gyno is a wonderful doctor and he wont hesitate to be honest with me.
Of course, the internet being the dangerous place that it is, I have read many things about why this might be done. Since I havent had any symptoms, I think probably I had some endo cells show up in my pap and "according to the internet
", they shouldnt show up. BUT, that being said, I am a little less worried about it......
But it STILL irritates me that the pap card said "normal", UNLESS, the ONLY thing the pathologist is concerned with was the cervical portion.....
And I have seen my doc look at stuff under the microscope, so I sure hope he takes a "little extra" so he can look himself instead of making me wait on another path report....
I'll let ya'll know......

Oh, and another thing......You didnt need someone to go with you, did you? I mean, the cramping isnt so bad that I cant drive myself home?
And I do intend to take my version of "mothers little helper" before I even get there.....0.5 Ativan - I have a steady supply for those "anxiety days"......
I havent told anyone I am having this done, for fear of them freaking out.....no need for others to worry before I know what it is......
I say that because when I found out I had to have a TEE (echocardiogram where they go down your throat) my best friend went off the deep end - she is a VERY emotional person......I think hubs was a little freaked too, but I calmed him down.........I havent told him I am having this done either....