on 4/5/06 10:25 am - Madison, AL
on 4/5/06 10:25 am - Madison, AL
Is there anyone out there that can help me get back on track with my weightloss? I want to start by saying that I had my Laproscopic surgery on March 3, 2004. My starting weight was 257 and I now weigh anywhere between 183-188 fluctating. I have been under severe stress over this past year and have not really been able to focus like I should. For one reason I have to be honest I think I sabotaged my progress the first year because people kept telling me how skinny I was getting and I fed into it and started eating more and more carbs. I worked out on a regular basis about 3-4 times a week doing weight training and kickboxing. My weight stayed at around 179 and slowly crept up. I have heard several people say go back to basics. Would that be to go back to the very beginning right after surgery or what? Please help. I never got to my goal to 140 lbs. I need some help. Thanks.
Hello "L" ~
Unfortunately, there is no MAGIC answer. It's no easier NOW (long term out) then it was PRIOR to surgery. I've been wrestling with a 10 to 15 lb gain for about 6 months now. When I eat right, monitor my calories, up my activities, I get that to drop within 5 lbs of my goal. When I give up, get lazy, start grazing, etc - it jumps right back up. I remember at the beginning of my reserach, I made a promise/pact with my higher being.
"Please please please, give me this chance to be thin and healthy again, I just want to be NORMAL, have a level playing field and I promise I'll do the rest to maintain those results"
Well. I got what I asked for. I'm at goal, normal BMI, healthy and battling each day, to MAINTAIN! I knew it would be tough, I knew I only had one shot of the rapid weight loss and once that "window of opportunity" shut, the level of responsiblity (wrong word, more like WHERE the weight loss was credited too) would shift, from the SURGERY over to me, and it has.
Losing those 5 to 10 lbs for me NOW at 3 yrs+ out, is no easier and no harder then it is for my sister.
...I tell ya' what, I have more compassion for my sister and her life long battle to STAY within a normal weight. She's never been obese, never even close, but I used to always roll my eyes and wanna strangle her when she'd *****whine about needing to lose 10 or 15 pounds. Boy oh' boy, can I relate to that struggle now.
Whether you/we want to hear it or not - it's CALORIES IN vs CALORIES OUT! If you're eating too much and not expensing it with activites, you're going to gain weight. Also, you'll need to find out what your BODY allows before it turns the excess into fat.
All the medical hoopla Ive researched on someone MY age, my height, etc, says I should be consuming 2100 calories a DAY to maintain. Uh, wrong! My metabolism is shot to hell from 3 decades of dieting - if I kept it at 2100, I would NOT maintain, I'd gain. To maintain, I need to keep my calories around 1500. If I want more, I better plan on another hour or 5 on the treadmill... since Im lazy by nature, I try to talk myself out of the calories.
If you WANT it bad enough, you CAN DO IT. Get back to basics, purge your body of the carbs, maybe a 3 day detox of just protein shakes, protein laden foods, etc, and tons of water, to clean out your system. Then slowly incorporate healthy food choices, tracking and maxing your calories. Increase your activity levels, walking, swimming, biking, the gym?
The beauty of our new lives w/the surgery is that we have more control NOW then we ever did. Soooooooo, how bad do you want it?
Also, two other groups you might want to look into or join (yes, Ive taken my own advice and Im a member as well - knowledge is power, we can never have too much) ....but if you're interested, try these:
GRADS - 1 year or over:
I hope MOST of my ramblings make sense, no time to proof read this morning!
Good luck to you - you can do it ....Lei

on 4/6/06 9:28 am - Madison, AL
on 4/6/06 9:28 am - Madison, AL
Hello Leilani,
I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate all of the information that you have given me. I am going to get to goal. You made me realize something that I too prayed for an answer to my weight problem and God lead to have the surgery. You are an inspiration. I guess sometimes we need that push especially from someone who has been through it. Thanks again.
L Singleton
RIGHT ON THE MONEY, Lei! I was realistic going into WLS that achieving my goals and maintaining would be just as hard as before WLS. I did my homework and know many people how had WLS years before me and I've seen there struggles. And it is every bit as hard.
We can all find a thousand excuses: stress, work, family, health, emotions, etc. to place blame on for losing control, but the bottom line is, we find it easier to look for excuses than take action. Unless there is that rare bird out there that is literally being force fed, the food doesn't get in there unless we put it there, the wrong choices are not being made unless we make them, and all those exercise tapes and equipment just collect dust unless we use them.
Always trying...