I have taken care of one problem to take on another
Hi all, just thought I would get your thoughts on this, I used to be a sweet lover but noticed about 3mths ago i was starting to get into old habits of grazing on sweets all day long, and thinks to a post that I read on here about dizziness because of sweets i found out I had the same problems and i give up sweets and now i no longer have the dizziness, but that is not what i want to address, I have a very wonderful and understanding wife, through the last 4yrs since this transformation of mine she has been very supportive, the only problem i have is all the junk food she has around the house, she is overweight and i learned a long time ago i do not discuss her weight issue with her, that is how we have stayed married for 33 yrs, she is constantly eating ice cream and candy and chips and all this stuff that i know i will get hooked on if i start it, i constantly have to fight the urges, also i have grandchildren and of course we keep this stuff on hand for them, I have maintained my weight for the last 3yrs but it has been a constant fight between myself and my mind, so far i have won but it is getting harder and harder, I just wanted to vent a little and let you all know that i am still trying , went form 303 to 175 and holding at a 38 waist from a 56, would like to start losing again but find it hard, love ya all Bruce
Good for you, Bruce! I, too, know how hard it is to keep fighting that fight. I intentionally do not buy bags of stuff, like cookies and candy, because if I do, I know who is going to eat that crap. It's so hard and it's a constant battle, but we can do it. My son is a normal 20 year old. He's gotten good about taking his junk food down where I will not even see it.
You come and vent with us any time!
Hi Bruce ... I give you a lot of credit. My trigger foods (carbs -- pretzels, popcorn, etc.) just cannot be around me otherwise I'm doomed. And I'm sure its got to be tough to not want your wife to have a better quality of life as well, but you've got to pick your battles I guess.
I wish I had an answer for you ... have you tried http://www.fitday.com? Its a great way to track your food intake, to see the protein, calories, carbs ... can be an eye opener.
Good luck to you!
I buy sugar-free ice cream, ice cream sandwiches, freezies and cookies....to keep on hand for my grandchildren. They don't know the difference and I feel good for not contributing to their sugar intake. I also buy popcorn and make a bowl of it for them, when they visit for an overnight stay. We watch TV together and enjoy some popcorn together. At Christmas, I did all my baking with Splenda and bought S/F chocolates for the little ones. Sure, I had a few, but because it was all sugar-free, all I had to do was watch my calorie counts.
Perhaps you should ask your wife to investigate going sugar-free for your whole family's sake. That way you won't be contributing to any "later in life" weight problems for your grandchildren. It's also better for their teeth, to avoid high sugar intakes. There are lots of choices now in sugar-free treats. It will show how much you care, in that you want your whole family to be healthy and stay with you, for a long time.
Karen G

Hi Bruce
If I was in your place, I would tell my spouse how difficult it is to have these things in the house. You are not telling her what to eat or not eat, just that you need help. It is possible that she can eat the sugar free stuff with you and your grandchildren at home, and eat those bad things when she is out.
I have learned that in my marriage - ok guys, here's the shocker
- my husband cannot read my mind! Amazing isn't it? I do much better when I tell him what I need.
Good luck. She has been supportive all along, there is hope that she will help you in this way too!