Update on DIL
my DIL had surgery this morning for the cancer. They removed her tubes, uterus and ovaries. That's where the cancer was. They "think" they got it all but just incase, they took some more biopsies and removed some lymph nodes. If it doesn't turn up in in those, she won't even have to have chemo or radiation. So, this is very good news this morning. I left right after her surgery but my son and her family was still there. Thanks everyone for their prayers, candles, whilte light and etc. It has been much appreciated.
Hello Delores,
What a terrible scare for your DIL and your entire family. I played catch up on the Grads Board this afternoon and read your original post as well. I'm sorry this is late, but please know you and your daughter in law will be in my thoughts and prayers (yep, im one of those that believe in the power of...) for a speedy recovery, filled with lifelong health.
I'm happy to hear/read that the doctor(s) feel more optimistic after doing the exploratory and removal surgery. Even in this time and age the "C" word can be such a scary thing to hear. The extremely POSITIVE thing, is that it IS "this time and age" ...where technology, doctors and treatment have improved leaps and bounds. Remission is, finally and thankfully, a very common outcome with cancer, vs 20 or 30 years ago.
Hugs ~ Lei

I understand completely what you're going through since I had the same scare myself since December. But I truly believe that God watches over people, and that prayers can make the world of difference.
I have been through three chemo treatments, with three more to go, and I feel pretty good. Medicine and treatments have improved a lot in recent years. Other than losing my hair, I'm doing great. (And I like my wigs) If your daughter in law wants to talk to someone, have her e-mail me directly.
I get tired, but I thank God to be here. It really gives you a new outlook on life, especially with younger children.
In a world that is filled with ugliness, it also opens your eyes about the good in people. I have received so many blessings, in the form of meals, cards, hugs, prayer shawls, etc. from people I know and from people I don't. There are truly ALOT of caring, sweet people in the world.
I received a card the other day from a 94 year old woman with an uplifting prayer about fighting cancer, who told me she had cerival cancer 43 years ago and was doing great!
There are miracles out there! I believe it!
I don't believe God gives us cancer. It just happens. But God is there to hold our hand as we move into uncharter waters. I always loved the poem about the footprints in the sand. Now I truly know that this IS the time that God carries us -- when there is only one set of footprints in the sand.
I'm sending prayers your way for your daughter in law and your entire family. May God bless you all each and every day through this journey.