Low hemoglobin--info needed, please.
I'm 14 months out, at goal for a few months now, I take my vitamins every day and I get in all my protein and fluids. I went to my pcp yesterday and he checked out my blood work results. He told me my hemoglobin was low. He wants me to fast and go get blood work done on Monday morning. He wants them to check my cholesterol. Why would he want my cholesterol checked? I thought low hemogolbin could mean low iron?
I haven't seen my bariatric surgeon since like Sept. He no longer takes my insurance. So my pcp has been ordering my blood work. Is this something I should be worried about? Thanks!
low hemoglobin is low iron. you might need to supplement iron.
I suspect the cholesterol check is a "just because" you are having another lab and everybody should get theirs checked regularly.
question your doctor as to the why etc. That is what he is getting paid for, to not only check up on you, but to help you and educate you in managing your health.
Low Hgb could be caused by several factors or combinations of factors. There are many degrees of low and high that people function normally on with alot of blood analytes. As for the correlation between cholesterol and hgb, I had to dig a little, it's not something I remember from school, I did find some vague references to low cholesterol and low hgb being linked to cardiovascular health. But since I am not a doctor, only a lowly lab tech, and I do not know your normal/previous levels nor your health history I would not hazard a guess at what your PCP is thinking.
I also wonder if there is no correlation at all and he simply wants to do a full range of tests at the same time to get an over all health picture. I am guessing your hgb isn't dangerously low or you would mention a transfusion, so it may be something resolving itself and he wants to see if the hgb increases in a few days.
If you are in wait and see mode, then do not stress yourself untill your doctor tells you there is something to stress about.
Good Luck
Lipid panel is the full cholesterol screening - cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL, LDL.
You might be anemic because of the plastic surgery. I sure was. I bled and needed transfusions. I got down to 7.9. My normal is 13. Could be that you were low from that but not low enough to transfuse. I had to take extra iron for about a month to get things back to normal.