please share your stories with me...
i am thinking of having the surgery and i am scared, i dont want to leave my twin babies
im scared of everything, im scared that im trading one problem (obesity) for another (osteoprosis, low iron, ect.) i just would like to know if anyone is having major problems and if you have any words of wisdom for me??? thanks tami
My words of wisdom...because you asked:
Thinking of having Weight loss surgery vs. making an informed/educated decision based on self-awareness, personal goals, acceptance that there may be bumps along the way are very different matters.
Thinking of having surgery implies room for thinking about not having surgery...which opens the door to others to "sell you" either way.
Making an informed decision to have or not have surgery is based on extensive research, personal stories, reality based opportunities for your success, knowledge of your support network and the belief and understanding that all of these parts is enough to render your decision whole.
It is clear to me that you are looking for the downside...and likely you will find a bit of what you are looking for. I assure you that the upside of a successful lifestyle far outweigh the risk of osteoporosis and low iron!
In addition I suggest that you owe it to yourself and your twin babies to take responsibility for your decisions...and ultimately your outcomes.
Best of luck in all of your journeys!
honestly i really dont get any of what you are saying, yes i am thinking of the surgery which yes that means there is a possible chance i may choose not to have it, i have research it for 2 in a half years and i still am, this is the first time that i have asked any questions on this board. i am not looking for the downside im looking for either side, being skinny is not successful being healthy is and if im trading one problem for another that is to me is also not successful. and as far as taking responsibilities for my decisions and my outcomes that makes no sense to me, how am i not taking responsibilities??? because im asking people advice? i thought that this is what this whole site was about, but seeing how i only got the one reply and it was yours, i see that this board is not up to the job. thanks and best of luck to you. tami
i came to this board because i knew that it was for graduates and wanted to hear from people that have had the surgery a few years out, i have been on the ca board and main board im just doing more research.... thanks, and as far as the surgery date of 2005 i did have a date but i backed out of it because i was not ready and if you read my support page you would have figured that one out, you dont have to reply to me??? im sorry that it bothers you that i have asked my questions here. tami
This board is well up to the job, and post-op grads like Karen are a wealth of no BULL information.
As for the amount of responses, unlike the main board this board is frequented in cycles based on need and time of the graduates, as we/they improve our health and mobility life takes over and they dissappear and reappear at random
Each doctor has their personal statistics on complications, there are studies and publications in journals, books, and the internet on complications and all will vary based on the particular regiment your doctor enforces, on your body, and on "chit happening".
Obesity it self can mask any number of unknown problems, that once the obesity is resolved will then come to light. You can not predict those.
Based on a research paper I did, if you are diagnosed with Osteoporosisand or OsteoArthritus you will die WITH the disease not FROM the disease because it is managable but it is also PREVENTABLE. You and your family can start right NOW by getting the recommended amount of calcium from food and supplements and exercise.
Complications with iron levels and any other lab levels are dependent on many factors: the type of surgery you have, the amount of by-passed intestine, your personal rate/amount of absorption, the function/performance of your personal guts/organs that utilize those vitamins and minerals, supplementation, diligence in checking your levels, and following treatment/correction recommendations of a qualified individual FOR LIFE.
Losing weight relieves the pain on joints, but it does not repair the damage done. I have bad knees and 16 mnths ago I could not walk up a flight of stairs without breaking a sweat and my knees hurting. By about 8 months I was doing 5 miles at the gym, I can run for a 30 minute stretch at 6.5 mph!
I did not have a period for 3 years prior to WLS, then it came back for 10 mnths regular 28 day cycle, then it went away and has been gone for over 5 mnths. Too little body fat to sustain a menstral cycle...not sure most would complain about that. My GYN tried a hormone regiment to bring it back no luck. I do not miss it LOL but it affects my ability to have kids, which I have none yet. There are other alternatives and I'll cross that bridge when it comes.
My sleep apnea went away.
I had GERD, I took Nexium pre-WLS, it went away post-WLS. It came back, I take Nexium today. No problem.
I take KCL for low potassium, this I took pre-WLS, this I still take 16 mnths post-WLS.
I had a small bowel obstruction at 6 mnths due to scar tissue from my WLS, it was fix with a laproscopic snip. Everybody's body builds/produces scar tissue differently.
Hernias happen. I did not have this problem. Everyone is different.
Do more research, I'm not saying you haven't, but your post came across as looking for someone to tell you bad things to convince you not to have this surgery or words of wisdom to convince you it is right for you when only YOU can decide that.
You will be hard pressed to find a Grad who will tell you I wish I was still morbidly obese! You will find some, there are WLS bashing sites on the internet, but then you can find ANYTHING if you look hard enough, good and bad. There is a reversal board, there is a complication board, there is a memorial site...use them with care because in using them "your state of mind" and what you "want to hear" is what you will hear.
Very Good Luck to you.
It really is ok to lok at the downside, and you should before you have such a drastic surgery. Informed choice does not just mean only look at the positives, but also the negatives.
There can be complications. Some do get osteoporosis, I have osteopenia which is a precursor to osteoporosis, I take calcium citrate and vitamin D along with actonel, a medicine to help prevent bone loss. I am perimenopausal, so I believe my hormones likely added to the issue. A very large number of women who did not have wls have osteoporosis as well. The groundwork for osteoporosis is set young, when teenagers and young women drink pop instead of milk.
I have also dealt with anemia post op. I was borderline preop. again with my hormaonal changes , I was beleeding heavily each month. My Dr treated the bleeding and I am no longer anemic and have cut back on my iron supplements by half.
other things to consider. Yes, I do sometimes miss certain foods. But I love feeling good and being able to exercise and do the things I want with out being tired all the time.
The biggest issue for me has been excess skin. I did not think it would boother me preop, that just being thin and healthy would be all I would ever want. Wrong!
I have had extensive plastic surgery and at least one more to come. It has put me pretty deeply in debt and totally broke for 2 more years, while I am paying off the loans. It is worth it ho. besides being healthy, I now look close to the way I always should have looked.
Don't take a few negative responses to heart. we all have differing ideas and motivations here.
Look at all sides, if you were not questioning, Id be really worried. The people I have seen go into it with out serious research are not doing well. Know what you need to know. learn about supplements. diet. exercise, etc needed to maintain and be healthy!
I haven't been on the boards since WAY early this morning. Please visit my profile for my story. I had to have gallbladder removed after WLS (a chance we all take b/c of extreme, fast weight loss). I've had 9 sets of labs done (to date) checking everything under the sun including all vitamins and I am according to my doctor, "The picture of perfect health!"
Here is some excerpt:
He (my surgeon) also told me that by having the surgery I would decrease my risk of DEATH from obesity related illness in the next 10 (TEN) years by 90 (NINETY) percent!!!! WOW! The other stat that was poignant for me....for those people who arrive at my weight or higher (and I was a lightweight at 237), only 1 (ONE) percent lose the weight and keep it off. And those people are the Jared's of subway and are on TV. Hmmmm.. I wanted to LIVE!!!
This may sound harsh but the truth is that if I had to put into ONE WORD why I laid my body down and allowed someone to mutilate my intestines and rehook things up in a different ay it has to be: DESPERATION.
I was DESPERATE to PLAY ith my KIDS!
I was DESPERATE to be free of DIABETES (which was next)!
I was DESPERATE to NOT DIE from an obesity related illness in the next TEN (10) years.
I was DESPERATE to see the AGE of 50 (barring any accident)!
I wish you all the best in whatever decision you make!