Feel like a tub of goo
I am so far out of control I can't stand it. I am putting weight back on like crazy I feel like it's just out of my hands almost. I am almost in a state of panic. My clothes are getting tight and I feel like a pig!
Okay, that is how I feel at the moment. I KNOW I can do this. I am almost two years out and I'll be darned if I am going back where I started. I like being thin too much. No more snacking and only good wholesome real food gets eaten from here on out!!!
I know I am still incapable of eating "normal" portions, but my trouble is high calorie nibbling. It's almost constant. When I'm not eating, I am thinking about eating. The compulsion is really strong these day and I amreally struggling with what to do. I am trying to focus on excercise and eating real food instead of raiding the vending machine at work!
Personally I go to NA. I f you check out the addiction forum it explains but long story short I need the support of others who are compulsive and I went with a friend. I can and have abused lots of things and had to change my coping skills. In NA they did not care what I used only that I wanted to change. I found it as great a tool as my wls and together they have helped me have a new life. I know there are all kinds of resources. This is just my experience and it works for me. I needed help on my journey and found it. I wish everyone the same peace of mind.
Narcotics Anonymous. Sometimes I feel funny talking about it because people jump to conclusions. I am a very successful woman who never got in trouble. I had a long fuse. I abused a lot of things in a way no one really thinks addict. But that IS what I am. Food, medicine booze, money at one time they have all been a way to fill that painful hole in my gut. I don't want to be flamed or annoy anyone with my story. I just feel the same pain in others messages sometimes and feel I need to share my experience in case it stikes a cord with them. I have nothing against people who can handle it doing anything they want it just doesn't work for me anymore.