I have fibro and have had it many, many years. Things that work for me are: trazadone and flexaril at bedtime. While you think you sleep okay, you probably really don't. Your sleep cycle is probably messed up. If I don't take the drugs, I never get into the deep, relaxing sleep. I just dream all night long. I do water aerobics and that helps. I also get massages. The biggest thing with fibro is learning to listen to your body. You have to know what your limits are and pay attention to those limits. My fibro has been much better since surgery. Less tender tender points and less fatigue. Stress is a big trigger for a flare.
Feel free to email me with any questions you have.
There is a really neat website/forum board called The have so much good information and support there, for any kind of ailment. But they have a very active Fibromyalgia community, I can't stress enough how much help they have been to me and my family in the past year. They can help on just about every topic, they also have some good stuff on WLS.
Good Luck, and I hope you feel better soon.