One thing that seems to keep running in my head these days is why should we put ourselves in line for help first? It seems selfish right? It isn't! We are worth the time and effort! If we don't put the effort into our journey our results will not be what we want them to be. As you get further out in your journey you discover you can eat normally and it is so easy to say well let me have this one candy bar or bag of chips. Its okay if you have planned how you are going to deal with this choice. Are you going to exercise your butt off for the next few days? Are you going to not eat something else so you can have those calories? Are these calories from these items we want really good for our bodies? How do they help us with keeping healthy? We can argue candy especially chocolate has benefits for our heart but what else does it do for us besides give us another couple hundred calories that we have consumed. When your consumption should be around 1200 calories....200 of them going to a candy bar does not leave a whole lot for other good foods. So even though we are stressed out and worrying alot we should try and remember to ask what I am about to put in my mouth really worth the calories, is there a protein benefit to this food and will it promote a healthy me. I hope you will all join me in just say no to empty calorie items....
Hugs and Fleece Blankets
Thank you, Debbie. This is where I am at this morning. I have eaten my way back 21 pounds since my surgery 4/7/03. I tell myself that I'm eating good stuff, protein bars, protein drinks, nuts (although combined with dried fruits-not good) and canned chicken, salmon or tuna with Salsa and eggs (1 whole, 1 white only). I go through my day eating all this stuff and haven't the courage to count the calories, which I'm sure are excessive, but my head says its ALL GOOD FOOD. I am faithful to my vitamins, but do not exercise at all. I'm really stuck. So, you're post was very good for me. I will ask myself (again), is this really worth eating!