At Goal. Can't STOP EATING!!!
Help!! I am purposely posting this anonymously because I'm so embarrassed and I don't want my friends here to know that I am struggling so badly.
I am at goal and have been maintaining my weight for 4 months now. I am about 1.5 years out of surgery so still probably in the easy time. All of a sudden, I can't stop eating! I graze all day long. I don't dump on sugar and I've been eating cookies - 5 (small ones) here, 5 there. I'm in big TROUBLE and I don't know what to do. It feels like I can't control myself. I've tried to figure out why I do this - I'm not feeling overly stressed or anything - it just seems like my body LOVES the feeling of eating food. I exercise a couple of days a week and I know I should do more - and I would feel better if I did more - it does help reduce the cravings. Also, I do suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder and struggle with the blues in winter and wanting to hibernate - I take anti-depressants for this. I am also on my period right now.
I am SO afraid this behavior is going to cause me to gain my weight back when I start absorbing more than I'm absorbing today and I really, really could not stand that. But, at the time I'm putting the food in my mouth I just don't care. I know I am an addict.
I do have a therapist and I have discussed this with her before it got as bad as it is now. She is too nice and says a few cookies (or whatever) are normal behavior and normal behavior is good. She also says many people nibble a lot during the day. I think she is being too nice and I'm going to find another therapist.
I am trying to drink my water, eat protein bars or drinks, eat healthful meals so at least I can try to head off this problem, but it isn't working. I just want to eat every second of the day.
I know the first answer is don't have anything around that isn't a healthy choice. The cookies are gone now and I won't be buying anymore. I've been chewing gum. That does help keep my mouth busy a bit.
Help! Any suggestions?
Gum, Flavored waters, crystal light, decaf splenda tea or coffee.....if I can keep something sweet at hand I can usually stay away from the fridge for an extra hour, but I am always peeing LOL
I have been fighting this want to have food in my mouth for several months. I know it will be an ongoing battle for life. I also know that when I am busy, I do not have time to think of food. But it needs to be engaging enough that my ever wondering mind doesnt say "fat girl hungry" when I know damn well I am not hungry..or fat
If you are going to graze fill the fridge with raw baby carrots, peel and cut up cucumbers ready to eat, sunflower seeds in the shell to make you work for your food, and pickles. I have several jars of splenda sweetened midget pickles in the fridge, no calories, cures the sweet and the crunch need. If you are into tart LOL...go for the dill pickles. I can usually distract myslef from other foods if I grab the pickle jar and eat a few right from the container.
I can not have protein bars in the house, they are like candy bars to me, and I know I do not have moderation control. There are no white carbs in my house again for the same reasons. A box of cereal would be an empty box.
You could try jeryky. I get precooked ff turkey, and ham and divide it into baggies. The more good choices I have in the ready to eat reach the better choices I make.
Easier said than done, but do not put it in the house.
Apples have been my replacement for a few months now. I have since tried gala, fuji, and a few others I cant spell...the sweeter the better. My fave so far are fuji and red granny smiths for this sweettooth.
No ones perfect. I had 4 apples yesterday. I have a squeaky clean intestinal track today! Yes carbs, yes natural sugars, yes moderation issues, no not all in one sitting...but my calories for the day were 1250 best its been since I've been trapped at home for 3 weeks post LBL.
I agree on the therapist, either explain to her that you need her to help reinforce that eatting the old comfort foods send you backwards in a journey you want to keep moving forward in and see if she understands. If not find a therapist linked with your bariatric surgeon and nutritionist that deals with food orders as well as any other issues you have. I have not actually made an appointment, but my surgeon gave a list of names of therapists they recommend and their specialties. If your surgeon does not have this, find another local bariatric group and ask them for a recommendation. That should be free and not require a visit. Maybe a OverEattersAnnonymous meeting, you can use the internet to find a local group and meeting times and places. Just throwing out ideas as my mind runs in its hamster wheel.
Hmm did I help any? I do ramble on...
One day at a time.
Good Luck
Oh did I say the traditional blurb about eat protein first to fill you up...insert that somewhere up there, then find some combo that works for you. If I have had atleast 60 grams of protein and I want to eat just to eat...I'll likely grab the apple over the baggie of meat...I'm human!!

First, find a new therapist. You can't tell an addict that "a little bit" of whatever is ok if it is what triggers more of the same behavior. The above Michelle is correct when she says to find someone more specialized in this area.
And I'm with you with the always wanted to eat thing. I've never felt full for more than 10 minutes and I have to adjust to that problem. Eat before you go to the grocery store so you are less tempted to buy the bad stuff, and keep it out of your house! If there is nothing bad to eat, you can't eat it.
In the meantime, buy alot of low-calorie snacks. Try eating plums, I've had alot of success filling up and keeping on track with them. How about some grapes or carrots? Jerky is also a great option if salt is not a problem for you. If you absolutely cannot stop from putting stuff in your mouth, make sure it's not going to jeopardize what you've accomplished.
I am an addict too. There are alot of post-ops struggling like you are. I am just trying to manage my addiction the best way I can.
Good luck. You can take control.
The above sound like good suggestions and I use them myself. I struggle the same way. It is always worse around my menstural cycle. I am an addict too. In fact I attend 12 step mtgs and I would be eating like a fiend if I did not address this through my program. I have a lifetime of this behavior and can not do it alone. Cookies! I just ate 2 oreos! It is late I am tired but not sleepy and the vampire eater is out.
I hate to ditz the therapist, the the replies are correct. Find a new therapist. She is too enabling. It's ok to acknowledge the problem, but telling you it's "ok" is something else. There is never an "ok" if it leads to binge eating. I used the excuse that baby cookies were ok because I couldn't tolerate "real food" for the first six months after surgery. I now ask myself "What was that?" I've never learned my lessons and now am in major trouble. The posts are true-don't even buy the stuff-and what you have ready to nibble should be something that makes you work to eat it (peeling something for instance). That is an old Weigh****chers trick I believe. I balked at the 3 meals a day with water and protein shakes in between, but I'm re-thinking that one and measuring. It is going to be my only hope to lose the 21 pounds I have gained in 4 years since surgery. Good luck!
Anita: All of the responses you have gotten here are really right on! I don't think I can add anything good that hasn't already been said. I just wanted to let you know that you aren't alone in any of this. We're all food addicts, surgery hasn't changed that. All it did was give us a chance - and it's up to us now not to blow that chance! You have my support - let us all know how it's going!
I am going through the same exact thing. My old habits are rearing their ugly heads again and I want to eat all the time. One other poster said it right that the therapist should not be telling an addict that a little bit is okay. We can't stop at a little bit.
I am nearly 2 years out now, and I tried on a pair of pants I haven't worn in a couple of months and they fit, but were feeling a little snug. That was a wakeup call. No more fooling around, I need to learn how to eat sensible for ONCE in my life! Also, I am renewing my gym membership and have signed up to go on a lot of hikes in the next two month. I am going to beat this, and so are you!