Please get a mammogram soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi all,
It has been awhile since I have posted on this board but I have a message I think is important and hope you all will listen.
I want every woman out there to schedule your mammogram and do your regular self exams. It is so important. Trust me I know!!!!!
3 months ago I was one of those people who shuddered at the word mammogram but that was before finding a lump and being diagnosed with breast cancer. Yes I found my lump through self exam. Thank goodness I had lost 100 pounds and could feel it.
My sister 2 weeks later went to get a mammogram because of me and found out she also has breast cancer.
One in 7 women will get breast cancer sometime in their lifetime, I had no idea it was so high until I started researching.
I have had a mastectomy and am halfway through chemo (talk about hair loss). I am doing OK but just feel so strongly about letting other women know that breast cancer is a serious posibility and it could happen to you.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE take care of yourself and if you haven't had a mammogram lately run don't walk to the phone and schedule one.
Kaye, sorry to hear that both you and your sister have been diagnosed with breast cancer. My MIL had surgery last week because of breast cancer and a friend of mine (34 years old) just had a double mastectomy in December. I never realized how many women are affected by breast cancer until just recently. Thank goodness my MIL was faithful about getting her mammogram done.
I had my first one last July (40 years old) and will be planning my next one soon. I agree with you....mammograms are important and quickly finding the problem and dealing with it is important.
Best wishes,
I'm really sorry to hear that you have cancer but glad to hear you caught it and are getting treatment and living.
Last year, at 32, I was diagnosed with melanoma. Imagine that, I'm not a sun worshipper and never have been. But I've gotten treatment and regular followups for the rest of my life. So everyone get those strange looking moles or skin marks checked! (my little PSA-sorry for the hijack).
Anyways, when should women get their first mammogram?
Thanks and lots of well wishing your way,
Thanks for that appropriate reminder, Michelle! I'm glad to hear that you got treatment for your melanoma. I've known a few people who have had nasty rounds with it! Nothing to mess with, that's for sure.
As for the mammograms, I have always heard that most women (unless your family history indicates otherwise) should have their baseline mammogram done at age 35. Then it used to be every 2 years from 40 on up, but I think that's been revised to every year.
Thanks again,
I'm so happy that you found your lump and sought treatment so early. Early detection and prevention is definitely the way to go. I'm so sorry about this happening to you AND your sister. Thank god she took your example and hopefully you will both be fine.
I cannot imagine how emotionally and physically challenging the last 3 months have been for you. Keep your spirits up and keep spreading the word about mammograms. I had mine this year, and will continue them!
I'm so sorry that this has happend to you and your sister. But so thankful that you found it in time to be treated. I had to have a biopsy last summer---I've never been so scared in my entire life. But it was because I've had mamograms everyyear since I was 35 (I'm 50) that the change--and it was really tiny--was easily seen. it was benign, and I was only sore for about a day---small price to pay. It is so important to do this, it's hard to even stress how important it is. Bless you and your sister----and lots of happy thoughts! Bek