What is your goal today?
Hi everybody,My first goal of the day is to first apolidize for not replying to any of the post yesterday,I was not feeling to well.And now I would like to send out one big THANKYOU to everyone for thier wonderful suggestion's yestreday,I printed them all out and I am going to try as many as possible.My other goal for the day is to confide in you all something a little personal that I have been stressed over lately.Here it goes,As a bigger person or a smaller person did you ever find one part of your body that you loved because you hated the way the rest of your body looked.Well I did and that is my face,I have always loved my face and have always had people tell me how beautiful I am and I took that to heart!!! Well tomorrow when the dentist does this surgery to remove this cyst I am so scared of it because since the last dental work he did the cyst has grown larger and I am afraid he is not going to be able to go at the cyst from the inside of my mouth but that he will have to go after it freom the outside of my face.Now my face has never had any flaws and I already find the rest of my body as gross,so now I am worried about him damaging my face and me having no hope of any of my body left.I have been so stressed over this I spent the whole day in bed yesterday.So do you think I am being over paranoid or is this one of the affects of once being overweight?Well I hope you all have a great day!!!

Hi, Candi! My face, too! I had to have makeup and hair perfect at all times, and for a long time was able to fool myself into thinking that I looked great, but I was only looking in the mirror from the neck up! It's funny now, I still like my face and think I look pretty good for 48 and having lost 100 pounds, but my face is a little saggy too. I think it looked much better when it was rounder and more filled out. But that was the trade-off I made, I suppose! LOL Maybe if I could ever afford it, my first plastic surgery will be to correct some of the sags and bags!
I don't think you're being any more paranoid than anyone else would be having to face this surgery. Nobody wants their face to be messed up, that's for sure. Good luck with it. I hope all goes perfectly for you.
I understand. I am so happy that at almost 50 and 137# lost my wrinkles are minimal! I like my face. I do think your concern is normal but I think it is unlikely it will be a problem. Most dentists would refer you to someone who does dental/ facial surgery if they had that situation. No one wants to mess up anyones face! I worked in ENT for years and that is not a thing to take lightly. Ask him. No sense worrying I am sure he can reassure you. Sorry you have to deal with this. I have had so much dental work it makes me ill thinking about it!
hugs, Laurie