What is your goal today?
Hi everybody,My goals today are to get my house in order since I have been neglected it because of everything I had going on for the fundraiser!!!Which I am glad to say we made $200.00 from our garage/bake sale.Also after that i need to go clean up the community center we used for the fundraiser,then my plan is to sip a lot of fluids,because I can't eat.Right now my face looks like the elphant man or the fat girl I was before,because I had dental work done on Thursday and now I have a Abcessed tooth and it has swollen up the whole left side of my face and my mouth is swollen and my left eye is swollen shut!!!So I am sitting here woth 3 antibiotic's and a heating pad and am having surgery on this coming up Thursday to have a cyst removed that is the cause of this abcess tooth!!!Well that is it for me today.I hope you all have a great day!!!

Hi Candi,
My goal today is to try to relax. I have been on a buzz flying around cleaning and preparing for company for a week. They are here now and I caught a virus. I have a lot going on over the next month and I am struggling to keep it in low gear. The virus may force me to slow down. Maybe it is a blessing.