Still get sick at times?
I seem to go in phases. If I get sick once it must irritate my pouch because chances are it will happen agin in a weeks time. I ususally find it happens if I am distracted while eating. I will be out or have company and not paying attention to my chewing or mindlessly eat something I would ususally avoid.
I'm about 1.5 years out and just puked my vitamins last nite.... twice!!! I let then go the final time they came up..... flush.....They went down fine this morning... go figure..... They are pretty nasty vitamins.....bariatric kind in a capsule.... yuck!!! But I take them religiously twice a day.....
I normally puke maybe once a month...usually cuz I ate too fast, didn't chew.... operator error.... I do dump, but it has to be quite a bit if sugar and fat...... wished I dumped with just a bite.... dumped twice... once at Christmas.... ate some junk for two days straight and that was horrible... dumped last weekened cuz I ate too much real dark chocolate... I can handle a piece or two but I thought I could control the urge better... whoops... still learning that lesson.... yep, the pouch still works!!
Laurie - minus 176 lbs!!