Still get sick at times?
I have gotten sick after eating twice within the last several weeks, and prior to that, it had probably been close to 6 or 8 months that I had been sick. I'm 2-1/2 years out from Lap RNY. The food I had both times are things I have eaten many times without problems. The one night was at a dinner out with friends. We were at Olive Garden, and I had eaten a small amount of salad prior to the meal, then had a few bites of a grilled steak/chicken/veggies dish. As soon as I was done eating, I knew it wasn't going to stay in there. Last night, it happened again with shrimp and angel hair pasta. Now pastas aren't always the greatest for me, and I know this and adapt accordingly. I only eat a very small amount of them when I do have them, which isn't often. Last night, I also had some considerable pain before all was said and done, and the tummy was "cleaned out" again.
What are your experiences with this issue? BTW, I feel fine today and have gone back to my normal eating routine without problems. Thanks for your input.
Hey Delores, how the hell are you?
I never vomit or get sick. But, thats not to say, I dont FEEL SICK after eating certain things. For example:
**bday cake and milk (have to have the 2 together), but boy do I feel yucky afterward.
**When I smell Krispie Creme and the brief time I ate one once, I layed in bed for 2 hrs
**If I have a 2nd bowl of ceral with milk, I feel really yucky
hi heather. Unfortunately, I do not dump either from sweets. the only real dumping episode I have had was when i fixed one of Susan Maria's shrimp recipes. I sauteed the shrimp in olive oil and it did me in. Oh another time i forgot about was on high fat homemade ice cream at an amusement park. To this day, I eat ice cream on a regular basis and have never dumped. I just puke when i eat too much or too fast. it ain't fun but thank goodness it isn't like it used to be.
Well, I have never dumped, not in the true sense of what I understand to be dumping. But there have been a number of times, like I mentioned, where I just "know" that the food isn't going to digest and is going to have to come back out. I will agree, it's just something we learn to deal with as we go along. Thanks for your input.
Funny you should ask that. I am almost 3 years out, and until this week, threw up only once in all that time, about 4 weeks out when I was starting on semi-solid food.
This week, I had one of those frozen microwave quiches for lunch, and as soon as the last bite went in, I had to run for the bathroom. I just knew (even without prior experience) that it wasn't going to stay down. Could have been microwaved eggs, could have been a minor stomach bug, could have just eaten too fast. Whatever it was, I had some hot herbal tea and didn't try to eat anything else for several hours. I was fine after that.
I guess it's just something we learn to live with, but I feel very lucky to have avoided it till now.
Thanks for all of your replies. I think I knew that most likely, quite a few of us deal with this. I'm not upset about it, just wondering how "normal" this is. If it happened a lot, of course, that would be a different issue and something to discuss with my doc. It's just a strange thing how it happens "out of the blue" and with things we've eaten before with no problems.