What is your goal today?
Hi everybody,My goals today are to get all my fluids in all 128 oz's.Then I need to go through the kid's clothes for the garage/bake sale the Youth Service Bureau is having,call some place'sfinish all the baking and crafts I need to do for the sale,which is this weekend,fill out recipe cards of everything I made,because we are going to sell the cards for .25 cents each,then I need to get the kids from school and take them to a after school program,and then it is dinner and then the kid's have church tonight.Well that is about it for me today,how about you?I hope you all have a great day today!!!

Hey Candi -
My goal for today is to exercise for 30 minutes despite the fact that my calves are so sore I can barely walk. My trainer says to push through the pain - I hope he's right! I also plan on going to Walmart or Target to pick up a few more healthier snacks and milk. Then it will be home to study a little bit and then to church for dinner and service. Then I have a night class for which I'm trying really hard not to give into the temptation to skip. I've got a busy day. Hope your's is well!