Hi all, any elliptical users?
I live on the elipitical machine. I got really into it after my Lower Body Life. After the LBL, my ass was flat as a board. But, now almost 2 yrs later, I have the greatest ass ever, men comment on it all the time. It took about 6 mos of 45 minutes, 5 times per week to see the difference, but, it was AMZAING!
I love the elliptical also. I have used it since I was about 6 months post op. (I had open RNY) Anyway, it really helped with my lower body. It got me in good enough condition to go back to cross country running again. I still use it about 3 times a week for an hour or so, then run the other days of the week. (as I age my joints seem to dislike running....go figure)
It helped tone my arms as well. I enjoy it.