Lexapro experiences needed
I finally am coming off the Effexor XR which made me crave sugar and carbs like never before. I have gained some weight and feel just awful. The pdoc is weaning me slowly off the Effexor and will be replacing it with Lexapro. She is hoping it will reduce the cravings and still help with the major depression. Any experiences with Lexapro and hoping it is weight neutral. I had some fantastic feedback on the Effexor, but unfortunately for me it was not weight neutral. Thanks for all the help

Wow! Karen, sorry that you are going through all of this. Effexor, though it does not seems to help much with my depression, has not cause *me* any weight gain/cravings. If anything, it has made me nauseated, to the point of not wanting to eat at all. For me, Lexapro had the opposite effect; the same as Effexor has had for you...I was an eating machine (pre-op)...hope it works better for you than it did for me.

Hi Karen,
First I have to say, "You look awesome as a red head" You look so much younger.
Next, I take Lexapro and I like it. I don't have a problem with it what so ever. It is one of the several meds I have to take and it goes well with the others. Celexa, Stratara and Xanax CR. It took my doctors 10 years to find what was wrong with me and another 5 to put my meds on track to help me and I feel better then ever.
Good Luck