A repost from main board
I posted this this morning because I was just shocked at how many people seem so clueless to this process. It appears to me that well...people didn't do their homework. So, I tried to post the upside and cheery version of what I thought in hopes to stop some of the maddness. Was I off my rocker?
I don't come on often because I'm slammed. I've noticed today in SEVERAL posts that too many people are becoming discouraged in stalls in their weight loss journey.
I would just like to remind (in a kind and gentle way) people that our bodies didn't put this stuff on over night. We sure aren't going to get rid of it in a month or two either.
Our poor bodies have to adjust to this new stuff like a surgery, proper nutrition and (gasp) - exercise. Most of us probably didn't do any of this stuff prior to surgery and now we're doing it. It's a jolt to the ole system. We need to accept we're going to stall or go up and down a wee daily (if we weight daily).
Our bodies need to adapt to the ever changing evolutions inside. We need to keep our eye on the prize and not the scale. Focus on the good things that we're doing and realize that OUR BODIES WILL LOSE THE WEIGHT.
So with that said - pull up your boot straps people and celebrate in the good things that you've accomplished in life. Don't stress over the small stuff and magial and wonderful life changing events will take place in our bodies that will last us a life time.
A big reason why I don't hang on the main board anymore. Not that I maybe wasn't there myself at one point, but it's hard to relate to now. No - I never was really as obsessed as some of the folks there. Man, do they ever need to relax!
I think your post is a great one, though. Good for you for "trying" to get through!