Elliptical or Gazelle
Hi there,
I am two years out and go to the gym to use the ellipitical. It is awesome. It builds stamina , legs and butts and your waist section as you move your arms as well as your legs at the same time . The movement is so fluid and almost graceful . I started at 5 minutes which left my tongue dragging and have built up to 25 going for 45 -60 SOMEDAY
. What an awesome machine . Tried the gazelle once but the movement to me was to irratic but I guess that depends on the person.
If possible try them both out first as each person likes different things. For the workout though, my $$$$ are on the elliptical machine .
Have a wonderful day.

Elliptical.....Thats the ticket...After my LBL, they shaved off all my ass and I was left with this flat thing! But, 4-5 days a week for 45min +, I have the best damn booty ever.
As Nike said in their recent promos.....
My Butt is big and round like the letter C, and 10,000 lunges have made it rounder but not smaller. And that's just fine. It's a space heater for my side of the bed. It's my ambassador. To those who walk behind me, it's a border collie that herds skinny women away from the best deals at clothing sales. My butt is big and that's just fine. And those who might scorn it are invited to kiss it. Just do it
Definitely the Ellipticle, although some of the cheap ones are hard on the knees. The ones at the gym are great, fluid movement, and dont leave me in Pain... They work the thighs, calves, glutes, everything, really, especially if they have the arms that glide as well. I tried the gazelle in the stores, and they kill my knees.. I have horribly weak knees, but the ellipticle doesn't do the damage.
If you're buying, invest well, the cheap ellipticles are no different than the gazelle in my opinion and kill the knees. Dont skimp.