glycemic index article
Thanks for posting the link. Here's my take on it. My guess is that GI values are important for some of us, for others they are moot. A unified theory that will be universally applicable does not exist even as researcher seek it with the zeal of those pursuing the Holy Grail. I think some day the idea of 'one size fits all' will be considered medieval. personally. I avoid high GI foods because I am a diabetic.
Nowhere Man/PH/Jay
Avoiding foods that 'gladden the heart' may have some merit. Those of us with tendencies towards addiction can quickly acclimate to and find an affinity for foods that have subtle psychotropic effects. If that food is unhealthy, we will likely find ourselves in a pickle. Ever wonder why broccoli is not mood elevating unless it is awash in a rich cheese sauce?
Nowhere Man/PH/Jay
Will repost part of the article here... rebuttal:
Beth Kunkel, a professor of food science and human nutrition at Clemson University and president of the South Carolina Dietetic Association, said that while there is debate among dietitians about its validity, it would be a mistake to reject the concept altogether.
My sentiments too... (my two cents worth)
First, Great new photo!
Yep. Like the BMI or other General Blunt tools
The Glycemic index probably is far less accurate
at producing the effects touted by it's supporters.
Still, in the world of saber-toothed Tigers?
Give this Caveman a club while he waits for
The rifle to be invented.
I hope people reading the article don't take from it
The idea that Higher Fiber, heart healthy vegetables
Are equally as healthy as White granulated sugar or white bread,
Just because they can "throw out" the numbers from the Glycemic index.
The article seems to "hedge it's bets" just a little
Which is good.
Keeps it from being truly a "Man Bites Dog!" story.
I wonder when it makes it to the "Today Show"
How it will be "couched?"
Thanks for the article!
And *in best Ricardo voice*
You Look Maaaavelous!
Best Wishes-

While the researchers are debating, I am using the low GI diet and it has gotten my weight loss moving when no other has worked for me. But people are overweight for various reasons therefore there is not one plan that will work for everyone. I gained weight on weigh****chers while I watched people lose all the way to their goal. The low GI is used frequently by people who are diabetic or are insulin resistant.