After 3 yrs. . .finally, a face
I've been on the main board for close to 3 yrs., not always a big poster, but occasionally, and I read posts virtually every day. For the last few months, I've been reading the grads board much more than the main one and value all of your posts so much! And at last, here's what I look like. (I also have a "before" and "after" on my profile. My next step will be to get my profile spruced up!) We are all SO different, yet have SO mu*****ommon as we battle to maintain our weight loss--and/or to get to goal in the first place.
Just a tiny bit to re-introduce myself: I'm 56 (had surgery at 54), married to my DH for almost 35 yrs., have 3 grown kids, and 2 adorable toddler grandsons. I'm a h.s. guidance counselor and have 1 more year til I retire
I started this journey at 295 lbs. (I'm 5'4") and now weigh b/w 150-155 lbs. I never had a definite goal--my dream was just to get to maybe 170-175--but once I passed that, my dream goal just kept going down in 5-lb. increments. Truly, I'm thrilled and grateful to be anywhere in the 150's, and if I can maintain the weight I'm at, I'll be one happy camper. With that said, I'd really love to be able to say I'm in the 140's, even if just 149!
I eat b/w 1500-1800 cals most of the time, and with 4-5 days/wk. of exercise (aerobic &/or weight training &/or brisk walking) 45-60 min., I maintain. (To lose, I need to cut back to 1200-1300.) My body seems to like the 153-155 weight, and that's fine w/ me.
I'm identifying w/ all the posts about grazing, eating more than I need (even "good" stuff), etc., etc. I rarely eat "junk," but unfortunately, I don't dump, so I battle old habits & demons. It's hard work.
Well, I won't continue to ramble. Just wanted to say hi "face to face" after all this time!
295/150ish (at goal)

I love compliments on my weight loss, but hearing that I look younger--that's a real bonus for a 56-yr-old! Thanks! I read your profile--knew from the very first couple lines that I was going to be entertained (" . . . been overweight my whole life except for 15 min. in 7th grade when I grew 4 in. in 6 mo. . . ."--loved that. I really love the way you write--I enjoyed the whole thing and identified w/ much of it.
I really admire the room-by-room simplifying you're working on!
You look incredibly different from your "before" pic! It's great to have such great support from this board as we ALL continue to struggle.
Angie, after reading your profile, I really appreciate your vulnerability/honesty about your struggles, which I can SO-O-O identify with! The Losing the Last 30 Pounds book sounds really good. I've heard of it on this board, but your comments make me really want to get it. Although I'm moroe-or-less at goal, I'd honestly like to lose 5-8 lbs. more, plus I know that even maintaining where I'm at is going to be a constant battle.
Thanks for your post!
Thanks for sharing your wls journey Jo. It always encourages me when I read about others who are still struggling to keep the weight off, but have been able to do it. I've only been on maintenance a few months and keep wondering why that 5 lbs keeps coming back, only to be dieted off again. If I dumped that 5 lbs probably wouldn't keep coming back, but I'm glad I don't have to deal with the dumping problem.
I suppose some of us will always struggle with keeping the weight down. I wish I were one of the ones having to struggle to eat enough to keep the weight on. Life isn't perfect, but the life I'm living today sure feels like a miracle to me.
Your picture shows a thin pretty lady. Keep up the good work.