
Hello Everyone

on 2/28/06 12:13 am - Daytona Beach, FL
Well, Didja think I'd fallen off the face of the earth? Nah....just busy. I need a kick in the butt this morning...so here I am. I'm about to go ride my bike to the library....thats 16 miles round trip. I just can't seem to get myself into a regular exercise routine. I hate it. I joined a gym but don't go, I have the beach right across the street, and I always find an excuse...(too cold, too windy, too something) to go walking. I'm working on 4 years now.....and trying to keep the weight down. I still follow all my rules...but I guess I shoulda added NO REAL SUGAR. I didn't, and its too late now....and I don't dump. I'll bet I could eat half a coconut cake and wouldn't dump. I can only eat about a cup of broccoli...but I can eat 3 slices of loaded pizza.....dang. Today is a new day...... Hope all is well with you...... Hugs from the beach Charlie
on 2/28/06 1:31 am - Buffalo, NY
Well hello again Charlie! And I am right there with you. At 2.5 years out, it does get hard sometimes, to do the program. You are right about one thing: today IS a new day, each and every day. The first thing I do when I get up is tell myself "You will eat healthy and be well today." It's easy during the work week when I am at my office and we only have a half hour for lunch, so I really do not have the time to run out and get stuff. the weekends are TOTALLY tempation city. I did buy a little Gazelle Edge and I try to get on that thing every day while I watch the news. It's low impact and so it doesn't kill my lower back and before I know it, I'm done! Good luck and have a great day!
on 2/28/06 3:23 am - Buffalo, NY
I got a WalMart Wire in my email and lo and behold the tony little Gazelle Edge trainer was on sale for $94!!! It's lightweight and low impact. I thought hm. Will this *do* anything? But after using it for only a couple of days, I found new muscles in my WHOLE body. It comes with a little instruction booklet that tells you how to use it to get the results you want. I cannot complain. Hey - it's firming up the butt too!
on 2/28/06 6:55 am - New York, NY
I love the ELIPITCAL...I give it credit for my FABOLOUS ASS! HAHA! I do 45min-1hr on the eliptical 4-5 days a week.
on 2/28/06 10:48 pm - Buffalo, NY
I would love an elliptical too but with herniated lumbar discs, it causes too much pain. The Gazelle is low impact and still works all the muscles..... thank God!
on 2/28/06 11:39 pm - Stoneham, MA
A little hijack here, Hi Jane, I'm in the next town over from you and have tried several Gyms in the area, just joined Myhealthyfit in *******s Park. It is a gym for women only, open from 5:30 am to 10 pm Monday thru Friday and 7 to 7 on Saturday and Sunday. They stress personal training without the added cost of personal training. You are evaluated your first time in and then again in a month then every six to eight weeks, but there is always at least two or three trainers/ coaches on site for questions or help. After your initial evaluation you are given a program for the first four weeks than after each evaluation an adjusted program for the next weeks, each week is different either the number of reps or sets or weight. After having been a member of several gyms in the area for over thirty years I have found this to be a really good program with emphasis on good nutrition, balanced exercise (weight as well as cardio) in a clean, comfortable, friendly atmosphere. There are women of all ages and shapes here. You can arrange for a free evaluation and work out, give them a call. You can join on a month to month basis or yearly or for two years. You pay each month. They have several activities each month, in February they had a chef who emphasized low fat cooking and a special screening of ostioporosis(sp?) as well as a visit form a massage salon who did free hand massages. Good Luck with your last few pounds.
Hello everyone, ( Angel) On the Gazelle... IS it like the Elliptical trainer or do you know . I have been using that and it builds parts you didnt know you had ... It is indeed an awesome machine although I do it at the gym . I want to lose the last 10 lbs and go EVERYDAY to the gym and it isnt happening . I also watch what I eat etc ...Perhaps some of us are where we will stay regardless... Shirl
on 2/28/06 4:48 am - Chestnut Ridge, NY
Oh, Charlie, do I know what you mean about the broccoli and the pizza! Struggling a bit myself these days, but I found my way back here last week, and I am starting to fight my demons. I sure wish I had a beach across the street, though. I tell myself I have an excuse for not walking--the 24 whole degrees that it is outside here today. I have been better about going to the gym lately, but I had to remind myself that going to the gym isn't a license to eat everything in sight. Anyway, I'm glad to see you back on here again. Dedicate an hour in the sun to me, and take it one day--one hour, if need be--at a time. We've all come too far to let stupid food choices stand in our way. Amy
on 2/28/06 6:44 am - North Wilmington, DE
So far so good for me...no real sugar....but I have toyed with the pizza stuff. I agree its hard but we do have to stay focused and remember we don't really need that stuff....Yes its a new day! You can do it! You have come so far and done so well! Take a walk along the beach for me! Go****s so cold here I don't even think I would walk the beach today. Well here I go off to the gym. Knee is hurting and I hope it does not get worse but if I stay here I will be too close to the enemy....the fridge! Hugs and Fleece Blankets Debbie
on 2/28/06 6:54 am - New York, NY
HELLO BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wassup! 3 1/2 yrs for me.....on here a lot lately as Im starting to panic about more plastic surgery on Tuesday (boob lift/reduction & mini arm lift) NYC is great, my beloved Layla (bulldog) is good and Im 60 days away from my divorce being final! How is everything where you are?
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