No MOre Celexa!
Bourngorno bellas and bellos,
today i went to my dr because my hubby was in a car accident last week no big damage thank god ..he sprained his arm and he still wasnt feeling better he had gone to one of our local hospitals they exrayed him told him take advil gave him a plastic take off cast thingy and told him if he dont feel better to see his dr.
well we both have the same dr and i went with him and he cant go back to work because he needs his wrists to use with his job..hes a court baileff and needs his arms. so he got the drs note to cover himself so he wont have to go to work this week..
glad im back to work
well any ways the loving wife that i am i go in with him and we talked and then i mentioned to my dr that the celexa has increased my apppetite and its scaring me i need anti depressants so he gave me zoloft 50?
hopefully another 2 weeks of those ill be on track but at least im off the celexa and the hungry horrors will go away.
so the saga will continue
hope everyones well its monday its been a killer day
take care ill talk to you all later
lifes a ride enjoy it!

Hey JoAnn!!
Just wanted to say that I am the POSTER GIRL for Zoloft......It has saved my life and for me it has worked out great..... I take 100 mg. a day and have seen no change in my weight....Of course if I start eating all the things I shouldnt eat...well then I can guarantee a weight gain but it has NOTHING to do with the medication...I am even able to lose weight on its all good...just give it a chance and if for some reason it doesnt work for you there are literaly hundreds of stuff out there that can be tried....the thing is there is help out there you just have to find what works for your body
Good luck to you!!
Peace,Love and Hope