Urgent message for those who don't dump!
This weekend I had a serious wake up call. I literally passed out on the floor and hit my head and scared my daughter to hyperventilating tears. It all started with a candy bar someone had offered me at my daughter's basketball game on Saturday. Mentally, I knew I couldn't and shouldn't have it. Like the sugar junky I am, I took it. It made me sleepy. No problem, I went to bed when I got home. After about two hours of slumber, I had no sense of time. The clock registered 6:30... I thought it was 6:30 am. I heard my daughter in the kitchen and went to see why she was up so early on what I thought was Sunday morning (it was still actually Saturday afternoon). I saw her standing in the kitchen in her jeans. I assumed she went to bed without putting on her pajamas. I asked her why she wasn't in bed and why doesn't she have her pajamas on. The girl looked at me as if I was crazy. She said mom, it's only 6:30. Okay, now that I know what time it really is, I'm still feeling tired, so I turn to go back to bed. I never make it. Somewhere between my bedroom and the hardwood floor in the hallway I collapsed. I awoke to the sound of my daughter screaming into the phone with emergency 911. I don't know how long I had been laying there with blood coming from my head. I was able to get up and calm my daughter down. The emergency folks came and determined that my blood sugar was low. It registered 59. The question is how can my blood sugar be low when I ate a candy bar just 2 hours before. I call my doctor's emergency line and they've informed me that my blood sugar was probably below 30, but by the time the 911 folks arrived it had adjusted itself upward. The candy bar took me on a sugar rollercoaster ride. It took me high and dropped me LOW! The moral of this long story is to follow instructions... even though I don't dump in the traditional manner, my body does have a negative reaction to sugar. I have been scared straight... and I am now on the full compliance train. It's sad I had to hit the floor to get there... However, I am a first class passenger.
51 lbs to go to Dr's goal....

What a horrid experience. Thankfully you are now OK. What a lesson to have to learn. Keeping away from concentrated sugars is vital for us. I had to before surgery cause I am a diabetic and was once on insulin. I stay away from sugars now since I do not want to dump....this has happened to me just a few times and the experience was very bad and left a deep impression on me. I still monitor my daily sugars and read all labels to make sure I am at 10 grms sugar or below. I also watch for sugar alcohols, those hidden sugars that can come and wham us so hard. I will keep this experience in my mind's memory and if I go to reach for something dangerous I will think of Denise and the day you passed out with such a low sugar.
Thanks for sharing with us all Denise.
Denise, sorry to hear you experienced this. I am dealing with low blood sugar also....mine isn't due to sugar but not eating within a certain time frame, I get the shakes and feel like I'm going to pass out. I'm really working to make sure I get a couple snacks in a day to keep my sugar regulated.
I was diabetic before surgery and know what the sugar low feels like, it' isn't fun.
Best wishes,
Denise, that had to be a horrible experience for both you and your daughter.
I have had a lot of sugar only a few times post-surgery, but I have noticed that sharp drop in blood sugar---not to the extent of hitting the floor, thank goodness, but definitely a shakiness that I knew from when I was pre-op and on insulin.
I was disappointed to learn I was not a 'dumper', but this blood sugar 'crash' is bad enough to keep me away from more than a couple of bites of high-sugar foods. I see it as a good thing, though, since it helps me stay on the straight and narrow!
Denise, I experience the same thing, but not to your extreme, whenever I have carbs.
Carbs make me crash so badly about 3 hours later. It's such a bad cycle to be on... eat carbs, crash, eat more carbs to get out of the crash, repeat.
It's a bad rollercoaster to be on, good luck. I'm glad you've learned from it!
Thanks for the reminder. I took oral meds for diabetes pre op. I was really shocked to have low blood sugar troubles after surgery. I usually eat 6 small meals a day or I get into trouble. It is timely that I am reading this now because I ate some sugar coated peanuts about 20 minutes ago knowing they would make me ill but I just could not resist. Right now I not only feel sick but stupid too! LOL Everyday is a lesson.
Thanks for posting; you have no idea how timely this is. I experienced exactly the same thing just a couple of hours ago. I never dump on sugar and ate some gummy worms left in the car by my daughter (stupid, I know and 6 hours after last eating). 30 minutes later, I was standing in line at the grocery when I knew suddenly that I was going to pass out...clammy, light headed, shaky and just really off. I had to find a chair and sit down with my head between my knees until it passed as I was afraid to try to drive home.
You'd think (seriously) that I'd know better by now. I just explained to someone today that I think I feel the effects of food (or the lack of same) faster and stronger than pre-op.
Now that I think back on it, I think I've experienced that sugar crash several times before, although not as strongly as tonight. It's a good reminder that sugar is never a good idea.
I so appreciate you guys; I never fail to find the answer I need when I come here.
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