Update, My PS
Just an Update-
My Panniculectomy
Well, Back on Valentines Day,
I "hit the Big Bump" on having my Panniculectomy.
Had a Plastic Surgeon Tell me not only would he not
Perform surgery on someone with my previous complications
But that he thought I'd be hard pressed to find ANY
Surgeon that would take me on as a patient.
That was a kick in the guts to say the least.
I was ready to tuck into a neat little depression
And completely give up.
That lasted a Day!
The next day I hit the internet and phone
And set up multiple meetings with 4 of the Drs. who had
Worked on me for other issues. Ended up contacting 5 of them
Including -
PCP, Bariatric Surgeon, Cardiologist, Dermatologist, and Heart Surgeon.
I met with them to get "their take" on
Why the PS I had met with, had
Been SO insistent that I was a "High Risk" for PS?
Within 4 days I had a whole New Take on it.
Across the board (5 docs, 3 in meetings 2 on phone)
Said that he was inexperienced in general,
And was smart/conscientious enough
To pass on me, rather than use me as a "learning experience."
As to him telling me that others would also find me a "high risk"
They thought it was just him,
Speaking from his lack of experience/knowledge in the matter.
He is after all, a specialist,
And makes the assumption that others
Are just as narrow in their practice.
He's "the new hot shot" in PS in the state,
But by "New," I had assumed just moved here,
Rather than only been out of Med-school for 5 years.
How lucky for me,
That he was honest and up-front about his inexperience.
Sad that he added his own "spin" to that fact
And bummed me out for the day.
Once I found that I'd be hard pressed to find another Dr.
That agreed with the Young PS who'd told me "No Way,"
I set about this with a different "mindset."
Rather than looking for a Plastic Surgeon that Might agree take me on,
I set up a list of Plastic Surgeons to see who might "Make the Cut"
And have the rare opportunity to be MY Plastic Surgeon!
In order to make the "first round cut,"
They needed to meet the following criteria-
1.) 10 years experience as PS
2.) Minimum 6 years experience with Post-Op Bariatric Patients
3.) Experience with Patients on Coumadin
.....(and a reference of one such patient for me to e-mail or call)
4.) Deal with Insurance Patients
.....(so many do not submit insurance at all)
5.) Be located in or near a large enough city
......where I could "move to" for the surgery.
6.) Must come "recommended" by a Post-Op Bariatric Patient.
Well, I hit the OH Boards and got Great recommendations.
Thanks to all who supplied me with so many Plastic Surgeons to choose from.
As well as friends from the Theater industry.
(Talk about a group with some PS info!)
I e-mailed and set up correspondence with tons of offices to ask them if
They would be interested and if they met all of the above criteria.
I told them that I didn't want to waste their time or mine with a consult
Only to find out later that "We" would be a poor "match."
Many, Many Plastic Surgeons were out of the question due to the insurance issue.
Probably only 1 out of 8 would even discuss insurance possibility.
The standard line is-
"Dr._________ only performs 'Cosmetic Surgery' and will does not file insurance."
NONE had a problem with the Coumadin.
(note to self, Must tell that Jr. PS.)
After the "first round?"
My list was narrowed to 20.
I also took advantage of my Meetings with my Docs to get Letters in hand
Which recommended me to the Plastic Surgeons.
2 of them attested that I was "Very, Very Compliant..." or
"....extraordinarily compliant patient..."
It gave me a little rush or pride.
The other Dr. who did not mention my compliance, my Dermatologist,
Stated that in his 24 years of practice, he had
"never seen a more compelling case for PS imperative to resolving a dermatological problem."
Oh Yeah, Wow! And he put it in his letter!
I also had to consider the logistics of having a surgery in a distant city.
I have a "summer house" of sorts (actually a friend's unused house) in Atlanta,
A retired brother-in-law in Birmingham
(who offered to "swap houses" with me for a month or so)
And close friend with an empty rental property in Houston TX. Who offered it to me.
My plan is to "move to" what ever city I need to
For a good portion of the summer,
Have the surgery and remain there for follow-ups
And have my family on hand just in case there are "complications."
3 months is my "window of opportunity."
Narrowing to those cities or Memphis,
Which is just about an hour from my house,
Brought the list of Possibilities down to 16. I ruled out Houston
Only because it is the furthest away, and it dropped the list of
Plastic Surgeons that would be a "good fit" down to 14.
So, I added one more qualification-
I wanted a Plastic surgeon who had Taught Plastic Surgery!
That dropped the list to 4.
My Finalists!
I also wanted to schedule my consult to coincide
With my "Spring Break" from the University.
The Dr. in Birmingham wasn't available for any of those dates.
Knocked out one, who'll be my fall back if these other 3 don't work.
So, I scheduled 3 consults. 2 in Atlanta, 1 in Memphis.
Yes, I'll pay for these out of pocket.
It'll be worth it.
I'll "audition" all 3 and go with the one that most impresses me as-
Caring, Open and Honest, Communicative, and the one that seems to me
To exhibit more skill in assessing my need.
I've already poured over lots of B4 and After photos of their work
And I've corresponded with patients who "swear by" each of them.
Any one of these 3 would be an excellent choice,
I'll also need to see if they can schedule the surgery for late May or early June.
I should have an answer about my 3 "finalists" by Mid-March.
Going for the Gold!
Just in case my insurance companies (I have multiples)
(And that is not expected from their "track records" of covering such procedures,)
I've also set aside money to cover the majority of the surgery
If it comes to that.
A very different set of cir****tances than I had on Valentine's Day.
Frighteningly Pro-Active!
Keep your fingers crossed that my Panniculectomy goes through
Without any further hitches.
If I do hit another bump, I won't be so easily "jostled."
Sorry for the long me me me ramble.....
Best Wishes-

fantastic!!!!proactive is the key here!!!! we must be proactive even when we start the search for a bariatric surgeon--i hope that you have posted this on the main board as well? i haven't been there for days--newbies and preops need to see that we shouldn't "settle" ---that mindset of settling is what so many of us MO and SMO have and we need to break that!and so many preops will actually read a PS post now....so it needs to be talked about!
Dx, best wishes on finding the perfect PS. I pray all goes well and timely for you.
And, why not Houston, I thought you liked Texas, j/j. What surgeon's did you find in Houston you felt comfortable with....I'm looking at Dr. LoMonaco, Dr. Wainwright and there is a lady that was just recommended to me....Dr. Naaman refers people to her.
Great report on your research and so inspirational to us all. You gave me questions and ideas I had not explored yet with reference to PS. I have seen a local PS who has performed surgery on my son and did a fantastic job on him for a separate matter. Since I have so many abdominal scars from all my marvelous surgeries I was concerned that PS would not be an option. However the PS and his PA said that they could harvest my extra extra skin vertically and not horizontally and they file for insurance all the time.
Best of luck to you and I look forward to your progress and outcome.