it is official!
diane in the morning food makes me nausues
i cant stand food first thing in morning
i need to be up at least 3 hours to eat something i can drink my coffee no problem. shove a yougurt in me ..i eat yogurt everyday because of the bacteria killing things in it and i swear that stuff woirks
but food
maybe im not normal because i know so many people that get up eat right away
after having thier cofee
and i get up at 5 not to rush going to work i like to take my time in morning
Hello bella! Remember me
Im the opposite, Im NOT a dinner eater. I eat breakfast everyday and I guess I eat in reverse, BIG breakfast, medium lunch and little to no dinner (I do partake in a liquid wine dinner a lot or ceral)...
I think Ive eaten eggs (2 eggbeater omelete) everyday for the last 3 1/2 yrs, cant live without my eggs!!!
Hope all is well with you, ive been on here a bit lately as Im having surgery (boobs and arms) a week from tomorrow (the 7th) and feeling NERVOUS!!!

I know what you mean about morning eggs. DH can enjoy them which is a plus since he is a recent WLS postie. All I can do is STARE at morning eggs, and only for a moment, then have to "avert my eyes" because they are so GROSS!
So, Atkins breakfast start bars are stashed in my desk. Start one shortly after arriving at work and finished by about 9am. That's the best I can do. I am a mid-day eater: love that mid-morning snack, a good lunch and a good afternoon snack - breakfast and dinner just don't agree with me most days. Dunno why!
Ooooh, eggplant - I love it. Wish somebody who can cook (REALLY cook) lived at my house! I'd wash dishes all day long for a good meal.