it is official!
it is official i am not a morning eater! as you know from some of my posts ive beeen *****ing that my appetite has increased a bit and im having a struggle with food( yea welcome to the club!).
so yesterday morning i decided before i do any damage to myself get back on track get the protien in instead of garbage i decided to make myself a scrambled egg..simple egg right?
beat the egg up add a slice of american cheese spray the pan with pam no fats just healthy egg!
well i make the egg let it cool off a minute take my time and eat it..couldnt fini**** but i was full ..ok something is working the light bulb is going off wahoo!
about a hour later my stomach is hurting me ..not indegestion or the full pouch thing the eggs were stuck in the digerstive track..i have nver been a breakfast eater since i was a kid i cant stand food unless im up at least 3 hours i can get a yogurt in me and cofee thats about it..
but i do have to admit that that egg did fill me up and i wasnt hungry at all but it just didnt digerst to well
so point of my post?
i am not a breakfast eater and protien does fill you up so i need to go find a happy meduim here..
ok enough wining have a great day everyone
its gonna snow so im ready to cook up a storm ..for some reason when it snows i im going to make some eggplant, some meatballs n gravy and im craving pasta fasula..
love yas

Hi JoAnn,
I hope you keep at your quest to be a breakfast eater. My endicrinologist told me that people who eat breakfast that involves chewing are more likely to lose and keep weight off than those who skip breakfast, or only have something they can drink, like shakes, juice etc.
I was not a breakfast eater before either. I had to force myself to do it, but now I have no problem. But eggs? YUCK! Eggs give me a bellyache, no matter what I do to them. It's something about the whites I just know it, because I can sometimes eat the yolk of an egg in my corned beef hash.
Anyway, try something else. I started with non-breakfast foods. Would you believe stewed chicken for breakfast? It was my favorite for a long time. Now I prefer oatmeal (the fiber is needed!), and sometimes I have the lowfat corned beef hash.
You can do it!
Hey Sweet Lady
I'm also one who never "wants" to eat in the morning.
But I started quite awhile back and now it's just
"What I do" every morning.
Yogurt seems to be the easiest to do.
If I have a cup of De-Caf with some slim-fast low-carb in it first,
It's a lot easier to eat in the morning.
If I'm up Really Early
I can take eggs, but if it's a "quick, got to get to work"
Breakfast, then yogurt is the easiest.
Snow? We had snow down here last week.
Today? Rain, rain, rain........
Have fun cooking!
I love to cook when it's cold, even if I don't eat it!
Have a Great One!
Best Wishes-

Snow? Ya mean it's not spring yet? Joann-I'm not a breakfast eater either--never have been. I keep reading how it is the most important meal of the day--blah, blah, blah. They say the percentage of people who are obese who don't eat breakfast is really high. I, too, keep trying to aquire a taste for early morning eating. I've gotten sick about 4 times since wls--2 of them were from eggs. Cereal makes me dump. I just tried a microwave Jimmy Dean omlette--not bad and may work for the days I am in a rush to get out(AKA--my golfing days:wink
. On top of not really feeling up to eating first thing in the morning--I would much rather use that time to check out news on the computer.
Enjoy your day.

good mornin Jo Ann. Pre-op, I had to have breakfast as soon as my eyes popped open and that was after getting up in the night for a snack.. I still want my food first thing in the morning but know I can't eat and drink at the same time. SOOOOOOOOO, since I am a Maxwell House addict, I have to drink my pot of coffee first now, then eat. I love my breakfast but love my coffee more. also, I don't stick to traditional breakfast foods. sometimes, tho, I will make an egg, bacon and toast.
Hi JoAnn, I'm not a breakfast person either, I usually have to wait til about 9 a.m. to eat something. Of course, I'm the coffee queen, so I drink 2-3 cups before breakfast. I've never been one to wake up and eat, even pre-op.
I can rarely eat eggs now, I prefer eating yogurt, oatmeal, some type of meat (steak, chicken, bacon), and cheese in the morning.
We don't have snow here, it's been raining all day.
Ok, you mention eggplant, I bought some today and want to cook it tomorrow, not sure how, any good recipes you can share?
JoAnn - I actually would like to eat in the morning, but I never have enough time. I get up at 5, and have to be out the door by 6:15 to make it to my job by 7. Once in a while, I'll grab a protein bar to eat in the car, but usually I wait until I get to work, and have something around 8 AM. I work in a high school, and when you first get there in the AM, it's crazy so I couldn't eat right then anyway. Once the mad morning rush settles down, I have some time around 8. But honestly if I were able to be at home, I would probably eat right after getting up. I still get hungry in the morning, just like I always did.
I think it's good you're working on your protein, and even if you can't eat much in the AM, I think it will help to get you kick-started on your day.