Why are these things in your home at all? If you're going to have a problem with them, prohibit them. No one will die without all those sweets in the house.
In my home, DH has a stash of sugar-laden treats but they're not in my path (no, they're not hidden either). What is within reach for me are SF treats. I have so many of them that it's almost embarrassing. But they don't overly tempt me and I always restrict myself to 1 portion (2 at the absolute most) in the course of a day. KNOW YOUR TRIGGERS. I know mine and those things are simply not in my home and WON'T BE!
The big thing is that I find SF items don't trigger the "can't stop eating them thing" that their sugar-laden counterparts do.
I hope things work out for you. You are stronger than the food and you can walk away from it if you really want to.